Synthesis of γ-Ce_2S_3 colorant under low temperature and its coloring properties for PE and PVC

来源 :Journal of Rare Earths | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jedy2008
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A series of cerium sulfides were successfully prepared using commercially available nanoscale CeO_2 as precursor, anhydrous Na_2CO_3 as dopants, CS_2 as sulfur source, under 600–800 oC, respectively. Properties of samples were investigated by means of X-ray diffraction(XRD), scanning electron microscopy(SEM) and spectrophotometry. The results showed that corresponding γ-Ce_2S_3 with small size was obtained by using nanoscale CeO_2 as precursor; pure phase γ-Ce_2S_3 could be obtained under low temperature of 700 oC. Coloring properties of γ-Ce_2S_3 obtained under 800 oC were studied by researching γ-Ce_2S_3/PE and γ-Ce_2S_3/PVC composites, respectively. The results showed that satisfied coloring effects to PE and PVC were obtained by using 0.5 phr and 0.2 phr γ-Ce_2S_3, respectively. A series of cerium sulfides were successfully prepared using commercially available nanoscale CeO 2 as precursor, anhydrous Na_2CO_3 as dopants, CS_2 as sulfur source, under 600-800 oC, respectively. Properties of samples were investigated by means of X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and spectrophotometry. The results showed that corresponding γ-Ce_2S_3 with small size was obtained by using nanoscale CeO_2 as precursor; pure phase γ-Ce_2S_3 could be obtained under low temperature of 700 oC. Coloring properties of γ-Ce_2S_3 obtained under 800 oC were studied by researching γ-Ce_2S_3 / PE and γ-Ce_2S_3 / PVC composites, respectively. The results showed that satisfied coloring effects to PE and PVC were obtained by using 0.5 phr and 0.2 phr γ-Ce_2S_3, respectively.
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为落实中央和淮安市全教会精神 ,江苏淮安市职教中心新学期深化内部管理体制和人事制度改革 ,试行缩编减员 ,各处室的副职全部兼班主任工作。班主任是班级的组织者和领导者 ,
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