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当你走进中国体操队,问起男队最难忘的是哪一场大赛?他们会异口同声地告诉你:我们最难忘的一场大赛,是1994年11月在德国的多特蒙德举行的男子团体世界锦标赛。这届男团世界锦标赛,中国体操队派出李大双、李小双、黄力平、黄华东、国林跃、李敬6员老将和新兵范红斌等7人组成代表队。根据新的比赛规则,从整体实力分析,中国队在自选项目上,与世界任何强队相比都毫不逊色,但在规定动作上,由于准备七运会和东亚运动会,中国队的训练比其他国家起步晚了一年多,再加上参加广岛亚运会(不比规定动作)等原因训 When you walk into the gymnastics team in China and ask which one of the most unforgettable matches is the men’s team? They will tell you in unison: One of our most memorable matches is the Men’s Team World in Dortmund, Germany, in November 1994 championship. This session of men’s team world championships, the Chinese gymnastics team sent Li Dashuang, Li Xiaoshuang, Huang Liping, Huang Huadong, Guo Linyue, Li Jing 6 veteran and recruits Fan Hongbin 7 teams formed the team. According to the new rules of the game, from the overall strength analysis, the Chinese team in the optional projects, compared with any of the world’s best teams are no less, but in the provisions of the action, due to the preparation for the seven games and the East Asian Games, the Chinese team training ratio Other countries started more than a year later, coupled with participation in the Hiroshima Asian Games (not as prescribed action) and other reasons
Establishing a China-Africa Development Fund(CADFund) to encourage and support Chinese enterprises to invest in Africa was one of the eight measures implemented
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轰动一时的甲 B“四大名帅”纷纷下野之后,舆论界一片惋惜和对球队的责难之声四起。在世人眼里,炒掉那些声名显赫、经验丰富的老教练似乎不合情理,令球迷也难以接受。此时,
近年来,北京化工设备厂与鞍山钢铁公司密切合作,把含钛低合金钢用于工业搪玻璃工艺。先后试验了08Ti、05Ti和T06Ti,初步显示了含钛低合金钢优异的搪 In recent years, Beiji
“十二五”期间,国内经济将以内需为主,在宏观经济稳定向好的背景下,消费市场将会出现整体快速发展的格局。 During the “12th Five-Year Plan” period, the domestic eco
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