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三峡水利枢纽永久船闸为双线平行布置的5级连续船闸,是目前世界上规漠最大的通航建筑物。输水系统工程由3条输水隧洞,衬砌后4条输水主廊道(中隔墩隧洞衬砌后为两条),以及36个工作(检修)阀门井组成。输水洞总长5296m,竖井开挖总长2173m,总开挖石方71.8万 m~3,衬砌混凝土39.7万m~3,工程总投资约4亿元,总工期5年零3个月。该工程结构设计复杂,洞井交叉,洞洞交叉,且断面多变:中隔墩隧洞开挖标准断面13.5m×8.05m,最大开挖断面16.4m×11m,南北坡隧洞开挖标准断面6.2m×7.2m,最大开挖断面6.5m×9m;竖井开挖最大断面471m~2。与此同时,工程施工期间,受地面闸室 The permanent ship lock of the Three Gorges Project is a 5-level continuous ship lock arranged in parallel lines. It is the largest navigable building in the world. The water conveyance system project consists of three water conveyance tunnels, four water main corridors lining the tunnel (two after the tunnel pier lining the diaphragm pier), and 36 work (inspection) valve wells. The total length of the water tunnel is 5296m, the total length of the shaft excavation is 2173m, the total excavation area is 718,000m3, the lining concrete is 397,000m3, the total investment is about 400 million yuan and the total construction period is 5 years and 3 months. The structure of the project is complex in design with intersections of holes, intersections of the holes and varied sections: the standard section of the midship pier is 13.5m × 8.05m, the largest section of excavation is 16.4m × 11m, the standard cross section of tunnels of north and south slopes is 6.2m × 7.2m, the largest excavation section 6.5m × 9m; shaft excavation maximum section 471m ~ 2. At the same time, during construction, by the ground gate room
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