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9月11日,2010年云南省旅游发展大会在西双版纳傣族自治州召开。省委副书记、省长秦光荣主持此次会议并作重要讲话。国家旅游局局长邵琪伟,省委常委、省委秘书长杨应楠,省人大常委会常务副主任晏友琼,副省长刘平,省政协副主席白成亮,省政府秘书长丁绍祥等多位领导出席了此次会议。省委书记、省人大常委会主任白恩培强调,这次会议的主要任务是,认真贯彻落实国务院关于加快旅游业发展的意见,总结我省旅游“二次创业”暨“十一五”以来的工作,谋划“十二五”及未来一个时期旅游产业发展,统一思想认识,明确目标任务,创新思路举措,努力把旅游业培育成我省战略性支柱产业。 September 11, 2010 Yunnan Tourism Development Conference held in Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture. Qin Guangrong, deputy secretary of the provincial party committee and governor, presided over the meeting and made an important speech. Shao Qiwei, director of the National Tourism Administration, Yang Yingnan, standing member of the provincial party committee and secretary of the provincial party committee, Yan Youqiong, executive deputy director of the Provincial People’s Congress Standing Committee, Liu Ping, vice governor of the province, Bai Chengliang, vice chairman of the provincial CPPCC Committee, Ding Shaoxiang, secretary general of the provincial government attended the event meeting. Bai Enpei, secretary of the provincial party committee and director of the Provincial People’s Congress, stressed that the main task of this meeting is to conscientiously implement the State Council’s opinions on accelerating the development of the tourism industry and conclude that the province’s tourism “second pioneering” and “Eleventh Five-Year Plan” Since its establishment, “12th Five-Year Plan” and the development of tourism industry in the coming period, unifying our thinking, clarifying our goals and tasks, innovating our thinking and striving to develop tourism into a strategic pillar industry in our province.
美国国防研究人士说,有朝一日,美国的对手将现在应用在移动电话上的新技术运用在雷达系统上,那么耗费巨额人力财力研制出来的隐形飞机就毫无秘密可言了。 US defense resear
目的探讨阿奇霉素序贯治疗小儿支原体肺炎的临床疗效。方法将60例确诊明确的支原体肺炎患儿随机分为对照组和治疗组。对照组用乳糖红霉素注射剂20~30 mg.kg-1.d-1,每日分2次