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你可曾想过,用于制作汽车的保险杠、座椅等的钢材,未来将用玻璃纤维增强复合材料代替吗今天,记者从重庆市科委了解到,“面向风电装备/工程塑料用玻璃纤维研发及产业化”项目通过验收。在未来5—10年,汽车的很多零部件制作材料,将大量使用玻璃纤维增强复合材料,车身重量会将因此减轻,油耗也大大降低。据了解,重庆国际复合材料有限公司主要承担该项默目前已经研发出了风电装备用连续玻璃纤维成套技术和车用 Have you ever wondered, for the production of car bumper, seat and other steel, the future will be replaced with glass fiber reinforced composite materials? Today, the reporter learned from the Chongqing Science and Technology Commission, “for wind power equipment / engineering plastics Glass fiber R & D and industrialization ”project passed the acceptance. In the next 5-10 years, a lot of parts and materials will be made from automobiles, which will make heavy use of glass fiber reinforced composite materials. As a result, the body weight will be reduced and fuel consumption will be greatly reduced. It is understood that Chongqing International Composites Co., Ltd. mainly undertakes the project has now developed a wind power equipment with a continuous set of glass fiber technology and automotive
最近几年 ,由于重症糖尿病慢性并发症 ,导致生活质量 (QOL)显著损害的糖尿病患者迅速增多。并发症包括 ;糖尿病性肾病、视网膜病引起的失明、溃疡、坏疽引起的下肢截肢。体位性
目的:建立临床有效方剂双莲方的全时段多波长融合指纹图谱,为双莲方的质量控制提供依据。方法:采用高效液相色谱法,Welch Ultimate LP-C_(18)色谱柱(4.6 mm×250 mm,5μm),流
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The genital self- mutilation is not rare in women. Risk factors found in these cases are: mood disorders, food behavior anomalies and antecedents of sexual aggr