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2014年,我国固定资产投资增速呈现缓中趋降态势,下行压力明显。前三季度,资本形成总额对经济增长的贡献率为41.3%,较上年同期降低了14.5个百分点。从主要投资领域看,基建投资保持高速增长,房地产开发投资大幅减速,制造业投资继续低迷。展望2015年,改革红利的持续释放、基建投资需求与服务业投资热点增加,将会支撑投资增长,但是企业融资成本居高不下,产能过剩、地方政府性债务风险、房地产市场周期性调整持续发酵,投资项目储备不足等将制约投资稳定增长。总体上,投资将保持稳中略降的态势,名义增速有望保持在14%左右,回落至近15年的最低点。应通过用好政府投资、落实推广PPP模式、防范房地产开发投资骤降、用好积极的财税优惠政策等措施,保障固定资产投资持续健康运行。 In 2014, the growth rate of fixed asset investment in China showed a moderate easing trend with obvious downward pressure. In the first three quarters, the contribution of total capital formation to economic growth was 41.3%, down 14.5 percentage points from the same period of last year. Judging from the major investment areas, the investment in infrastructure maintained a rapid growth, investment in real estate development slowed sharply, and investment in manufacturing continued to slump. Looking into 2015, the sustained release of the reform bonus, the investment in infrastructure and the hot spots in service industry will support the growth of investment. However, the high financing cost of enterprises, overcapacity, the debt risk of local government and the cyclical adjustment of the real estate market continue to be fermented The insufficient reserve of investment projects will restrict the steady growth of investment. As a whole, the investment will maintain a slight decline while the nominal growth rate is expected to remain around 14%, dropping to its lowest point in nearly 15 years. Should make good use of government investment, implement the promotion of PPP mode, prevent investment in real estate development plummeted, make good use of positive fiscal and tax incentives and other measures to ensure the continued healthy operation of fixed asset investment.
Though there are similarities between child first language acquisition and adult second language acquisition, this paper explores the differences between these
普桑是17世纪法国著名的古典主义画家,也是第一个享有国际声誉的法国画家。 普桑小时候就喜欢绘画,但当时画家的地位很低,望子成龙的父亲希望自己的独生子学习有远大前途的