Improvement to anti-rust property of hot rolled rebar by compact oxide scale

来源 :中南大学学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pangzhu311
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A method was proposed to improve the anti-rust property of hot rolled rebar, which uses oil–water emulsion cooling instead of water cooling after hot rolling. The experiments were carried out by two cooling methods, one cooled by water, the other cooled by oil–water emulsion. The results of wet/dry cyclic accelerated corrosion test showed that the anti-rust property of rebar cooled by oil–water emulsion was better than that by water obviously. The results of OM, SEM and EPMA analysis indicated that these two scales contained three layers: an outer Fe3O4layer, an intermediate FeO layer with island-shaped pro-eutectoid Fe3O4, an inner eutectoid Fe3O4layer. For the water cooled rebar, all three layers of oxide scale were relatively thin. Moreover, the scale had plenty of defects such as porosity, and crack. However, for the oil–water emulsion cooled rebar, all three layers of oxide scale were relatively thick and compact, which played an important role in protecting the rebar from atmospheric rust.
近日,施耐德电气在苏州职业大学召开高职院校合作工作会议,并于会上正式成立高职院校联盟,首批共有 18 所大专院校加入.通过与更多高校展开紧密合作,施耐德电气将为工业数字
摘 要:随着扶余油田自2005年以来进行大面积井网调整,调整初期,依靠新井的拉动,实现了百万吨的稳产;后期随着新井资源品质的下降,压裂潜力也随之变差,稳产难度加大。油田出现递减率大、含水上升速度快,成为制约油田稳产的显性因素。同时受沉积韵律影响,层内水驱不均衡,无效水循环突出,因此选择西16-9区块作为先导试验区块,探索精细注水挖潜的可行性,对整个油田规模开展精细注水挖潜意义重大。  关键词:精细
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