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当开国大典的礼炮从北京响起,新中国诞生了,在中国历史上翻开了新的篇章。曾为反对外敌侵略、民族解放而出生入死、浴血奋战,写下了可歌可泣光辉篇章的台儿庄,也和全国一样,人民翻身做了主人。建国后,党中央一直想着这块英雄的土地,关切着“洪水走廊”里人民的生产与生活。1963年7月8日,我们敬爱的周恩来总理接到台儿庄区区长的洪灾电报后,十分关心,亲自回电慰问灾民,并两次派慰问团来台儿庄共商生产自救大计。后又拨专款为台儿庄兴建了变电所和电力排灌站,从而结束了台儿庄无电的历史,增强了抗御自然灾害能力。建国45年来国家先后拨款1.2亿 When the founding ceremony of the salute came from Beijing, New China was born and opened a new chapter in Chinese history. In order to oppose the invasion by foreign enemies and to liberate the nation, he was born and died in a bloody battle and wrote Taierzhuang, a remarkable chapter in song and song. As the whole country did, the people turned over to become masters. After the founding of New China, the party Central Committee has always been thinking about the land of this hero and is concerned about the people’s production and life in the “Flood Corridor.” On July 8, 1963, our beloved Premier Zhou Enlai, after receiving the flood telegrams from the district governor of Taierzhuang, paid great attention to personally calling back and comforting the victims and sent his two condolences to Taierzhuang to jointly manage the production of self-help plans. Later, earmarked funds for Taierzhuang to build a substation and irrigation and drainage stations, thus ending the history of Taierzhuang without electricity and enhance the ability to resist natural disasters. Over 45 years after the founding of China, the country has allocated 120 million yuan
据有关部门统计,1999年1月至6月明胶(包括骨胶)类产品进出口总量达1565462kg,总金额470.97万美元;其中,进口690019kg,348.97万美元,平均价约5.06美 According to statistic
济南某单位由日本进口一批化学原料,总共700纸袋,在烟台港提供时,发现短少了120纸袋,当该单位以清洁提单(Clean B/L)为凭向船公司索赔时,船公司以日本卖方装船时就短缺并签
电源管理IC(power management)近年来在半导体业界方兴未艾,最新的市场研究预计未来十年将以15.5%的增速发展。而未来的市场驱动力主要来自移动电脑,移动电话,平板电脑,Io T