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金华电视台新闻综合频道《市民问政》栏目开播于2012年12月2日。这是一档以“发现身边问题,解决身边问题”为节目宗旨,以“百姓参与、百姓评说、百姓监督”的形式,以“兑现承诺,优化环境”为主题的政务监督类电视栏目。开播以来一直坚持常态播出,每周一期,每期30分钟,截至2014年11月已播出节目103期,市民现场参与人数 Jinhua TV news channel “public politics” section opened on December 2, 2012. This is a document of “discovering the issues around us and solving the issues around us” as the program’s purpose, and the “the people’s participation, the people’s commentary and the people’s supervision” as the program, the government’s theme of “fulfilling the promise and optimizing the environment” Supervision category television section. Since the beginning of the broadcast has been insisted on the normal broadcast, a period of one week, each period of 30 minutes, as of November 2014 has broadcast 103 programs, the number of public participation
新媒体时代,注意力经济占据主导,军事新闻面临空前的挑战,必须适应时代要求,求新求变以获得更大的发展。 In the era of new media, attention economy is dominant. Milita
The Nage Cu-Pb polymetallic deposit is located in the transitional zone of the Yangtze craton and cathaysia,that is the southwest of Jiangnan orogenic belt. The
对2010年参加广西区常规优质籼稻组区试的25个品种的12个主要品质指标进行了统计分析。结果表明,25个参试品种中没有1个品种7项指标全部达到国标一级(GB/T 17891-1999),垩白
Flowering at suitable time is very important for plants to adapt to complicated environments and produce their seeds successfully for reproduction.In rice (Oryz
设计了一种用于CMOS图像传感器时钟产生的电荷泵锁相环(CPPLL)电路。基于0.18μm CMOS工艺,系统采用常规鉴频鉴相器、电流型电荷泵、二阶无源阻抗型低通滤波器、差分环形压控