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大型汽轮发电机端部电磁场引起的定子铁心边端和端部结构件的发热是危及电机安全正常运行的重要因素。为了正确认识电机端部电磁场,设计合理的端部结构以改善电机端部的发热状况,国内外各电机厂都在研究电机端部电磁场的分布。这一般有三种办法:(1)真机实测,(2)模拟试验,(3)用计算机进行计算。由于真机实测不能随意进行,不能作出预先估计,模拟试验又只能考虑二维场,误差较大,所以端部电磁场计算有其独特的优点。在国外,英、美、日、苏等国,计算都成为分析电机端部 The heat generated by the end of the stator core and the end structure caused by the end electromagnetic field of the large turbine generator is an important factor that endangers the safe operation of the motor. In order to correctly understand the electromagnetic field at the motor end and to design a reasonable end structure to improve the heat generation at the end of the motor, various domestic and foreign motor manufacturers are studying the distribution of the electromagnetic field at the motor end. This generally has three ways: (1) real machine measured, (2) simulation test, (3) calculated with a computer. As the real machine can not be measured at random, can not make a prior estimate, the simulation test can only consider the two-dimensional field, the error is large, so the end of the electromagnetic field calculation has its own unique advantages. In foreign countries, Britain, the United States, Japan, the Soviet Union and other countries, the calculation has become the analysis of motor ends
浩瀚烟茫的中国古典文学你喜欢吗?遨游过吗?那些放在书橱里的《古文观止》、《资治通鉴》曾经激动过多少回你的心? 精致典雅、飘逸隽永的唐诗宋词或许你背诵过。但你能否运用古
电动机和生产机械间的变速装置的传速比,直接影响到电力拖动装置的技术经济指标。正确地选择传速比及相应的电动机额定转速,是设计电力拖动装置的一个重要问题。 在本文中阐
矛,宜刺之兵也,三分其长,二为刃、一为骹。恰似全新奥迪 A4,动掩其静,骹固刃利,寻盾战之。1 .全新奥迪A4.闪电出击空降京郊.纷纷落叶翻腾而起火红的车身点燃深秋最旺的一把
Fiber suspensions flow through a tube containing a sphere in the dilute and concentrated regimes is simulated numerically with the Lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM