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对“跟单托收”中委托人与代收行之间法律关系的界定素无定论。学理上存在无直接合同关系、间接代理关系、复代理关系几类学说。在法律层面,托收惯例并无明确界定,各国依其国内法界定这一关系。“无直接合同关系说”与“侵权关系说”在各国国内法下并无很大差异,而“间接代理说”与“复代理说”则差别较大。在司法实践中,对此关系界定存在无直接合同关系、代理关系、侵权关系三种界定模式,我国主要采用复代理说。“无直接合同关系说”一直是传统主导观点,晚近司法实践已凸显其无法合理保护委托人利益的缺点。“间接代理说”和“复代理说”其本质都是在当事人间并未订立合同的背景之下以法律的一般规定去推导二者关系,难免存在纰漏。“侵权关系说”存在适用范围的局限性,运用得当方能发挥其作用。鉴于此,只有重新审视各观点之利弊,更新国际惯例与国内法的相关规定,才能明确赋予委托人直接诉权,从而平衡委托人与代收行的利益,促进国际托收制度的发展。 The definition of the legal relationship between the principal and the collecting bank in the “hedging” is inconclusive. There are no theories of direct contractual relationship, indirect agency relationship and complex agency relationship in theory. At the legal level, the collection practices are not clearly defined and each State defines the relationship in accordance with its domestic law. “There is no direct contractual relationship between ” and “infringement relationship ” said “under the domestic law is not very different, and ” indirect agent said “and ” complex agent said “is quite different. In judicial practice, there are three defining modes of no direct contractual relationship, agency relationship and infringement relation to this relationship, and our country mainly adopts complex agency. ”No direct contractual relationship said “ has always been the traditional dominant point of view, recent judicial practice has highlighted its shortcomings in the interests of the client can not be reasonably protected. The indirect agent theory and the complex agent theory are essentially based on the general provisions of law in the absence of a contract between the parties to derive the relationship between the two, which inevitably results in flaws. ”Infringement relationship said " There are limitations of the scope of application, used properly to play its role. Therefore, only by reexamining the advantages and disadvantages of each point of view and updating the relevant provisions of international practice and domestic law can the direct entrusting right of clients be clearly given, so as to balance the interests of the principal and the collecting bank and promote the development of the international collection system.
结合新教材及当前教学改革,探讨了在化学实验教学中进行绿色化学教育的具体措施和途径。 Combining with the new teaching material and the current teaching reform, the
中世纪冰岛的萨迦,描述事件都严格求是、公正客观、绝无随便增删或渲染之意,给人的印象是记录事件准确如实,因此,惟有它使我们能够窥见史前人的内心世界,透视他们对于善恶、时空、生死的认识。  萨迦中没有一个情节描述对疼痛或死亡的恐惧;相反,其中经常只此无他、不容争辩地讲述那些毫无惧怕的场面。一般是讲战斗或进攻时的横死,因衰老、疾病而发生的自然死亡,通常不撰文记述,仅偶尔提提而已。这样的死亡对萨迦人物来说
语文,承载着太多的“使命”:培养语感,发展思维,提高言语能力,丰富精神世界,传承民族文化……由此,语文课千头万绪,模糊一片,以致失却了本真的“语文味”!如何才能上出一堂原汁原味、让人点赞的语文课?笔者认为要从以下几个方面来努力。  一、多层面解读文本,走进文本深处  上好语文课,解读文本是第一步。只有透彻地解读文本,才能真正走进文本深处。教师才能知道教什么,怎么教,学生才能有所收获,有所体悟。