
来源 :中小型电机 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sfeixxx
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发电机生产过程中,磁极铁心压装的质量直接地影响电机的性能。为此采用小钢珠替代液压油作衡压压力传递作用的方法。因为小钢珠在承受一定压力时不易产生形变,且流通性能比较好。50~75kW 发电机磁极铁心压装胎具如图所示,其上端的衡压头腔内及下端的主体顶压腔内均选用φ3小钢珠作压力的衡压传递。在开敞式100t 油压机上进行磁极铁心压装,操作过程为:先将下端的磁极压板、铆钉和磁极叠片初装后放入胎具内进行预压,然后放入上端磁极压板进而用 In the production process of the generator, the quality of pole core pressing directly affects the performance of the motor. For this purpose, the use of small ball instead of hydraulic oil pressure equalization pressure transfer method. Because the small ball is not easy to produce deformation under certain pressure, and the circulation performance is better. 50 ~ 75kW generator Pole core pressed tire As shown in the figure, the upper end of the pressure head cavity and the lower end of the main pressure chamber are selected φ3 small ball for pressure equalization transmission. Pole iron core pressure in the open 100t hydraulic press, the operation process is: first the lower end of the pole plate, rivets and pole laminations initially installed in the tire pre-pressure, and then placed in the upper pole plate then use
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本程序是根据柔度法计算斜拉渡槽的理论,采用BASIC语言在PC-1500、APPLE-Ⅱ及IBM等微机上编制程序系列及计算实例。当前微机在我国基层水利工 This procedure is based on
一、现状 大庆总面积约5107km~2,境内有近260km~2水面的水泡子172个,但因水浅、碱性大、水质不佳而多不能利用。为解决油田及周围地区和居民生活用水需要,从1960~1990年勘探
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