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十届全国人大三次会议上,国务院总理温家宝作政府工作报告时说到:抓紧研究制定促进中部地区崛起的规划和措施。充分发挥中部地区的区位优势和综合经济优势,加强现代农业特别是粮食主产区建设;加强综合交通运输体系和能源、重要原材料基地建设;加快发展有竞争力的制造业和高新技术产业;开拓中部地区大市场,发展大流通。国家要从政策、资金、重大建设布局等方面给予支持。这是继十六大、十六届三中和四中全会、十届全国人大二次会议、中央经济工作会议之后,党中央、国务院再一次明确提出实施“中部崛起”战略。“中部崛起”是树立和落实科学发展观、建立和谐社会的必然要求。 At the Third Session of the Tenth National People’s Congress, Premier Wen Jiabao of the State Council reported on the work of the government that he should pay close attention to studying and formulating plans and measures to promote the rise of the central region. Give full play to the regional advantages and comprehensive economic advantages in the central region, and strengthen the construction of modern agriculture, especially the major grain-producing areas; strengthen the construction of a comprehensive transport system and energy and major raw material bases; speed up the development of competitive manufacturing and high-tech industries; Central region big market, the development of large circulation. The state should give its support from the aspects of policy, capital and major construction and layout. This is the second Central Party Committee and the State Council of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council to clearly put forward the strategy of “Rising in Central China” once again after the 16th CPC National Congress, the Third Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central Committee, the Second Plenary Session of the Tenth National People’s Congress, and the Central Economic Work Conference. The “Rise of Central China” Is a Necessary Requirement for Establishing and Implementing the Scientific Concept of Development and Building a Harmonious Society.
1998年 5月— 2 0 0 1年 5月我院收住极低体质量儿(VLBWI) 2 7例全部给予早期鼻饲母乳联合部分静脉营养 (PPN) ,收到满意疗效 ,现报道如下。1 一般资料2 7例VLBWI均于 1 2h内收住我科新生
中国航天工业总公司529厂承担的科研项目——复合材料构件水溶性芯模应用技术研究取得了突破性进展。以往在复合材料制造和加工领域,用于加工复合材料的模具通常采 China Ae
汽车在冰雪道路上行驶,由于路面附着力小,制动距离增加,车辆的抗滑能力很低,极微小的力作用在车轮上就能引起溜滑。为防止车辆溜滑,可采取下列几方面措施: a.作好防溜滑准备