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防城港市防城区地处祖国南疆、美丽的北部湾畔,总面积2427平方公里,辖10个乡镇、141个行政村和15个社区。总人口约42万,其中少数民族人口占总人口的35.7%。有海外华侨和港澳同胞约27万,是广西著名侨乡之一。防城区区位优势突出,是全国唯一既沿边又沿海的市辖区,海岸线长138公里,陆地边境线长61.8公里,与越南广宁省海河县、平辽县、芒街市山水相连,拥有江山港边地贸易口岸、峒中口岸2个国家级口岸和峒中、里火、滩散3个边民互市贸易点以及茅岭1 Fangchenggang Fangcheng District is located in the southern part of the motherland, the beautiful Beibu Gulf, with a total area of ​​2427 square kilometers, administer 10 townships, 141 administrative villages and 15 communities. The total population of about 420,000, of which the minority population of 35.7% of the total population. There are about 270,000 overseas Chinese and compatriots from Hong Kong and Macao, one of the famous hometown of overseas Chinese in Guangxi. Fangcheng District has prominent advantages in terms of location. It is the only municipal area along the coast and the coast in China. The coastline is 138 kilometers long and the land borderline is 61.8 kilometers long. It is connected with the landscapes of Haihe, Pingliao and Mangshi in Quang Ninh province, To the trade port, Langzhong port 2 state-level ports and Langzhong, in the fire, Tan San three border trade points and Mao Ling 1
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女子团体前三名:1.韩国 3.俄罗斯、日本(并列)决赛:朝国-中国3:1朴海晶-王晨2:O(19,18)金芬植-邬娜2:1(16,-21,16)朴海晶/金芬植-邬娜/李菊0:2(-9,-21)金芬植-王晨2:
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来自国家发改委的最新数据显示,今年前7个月,全国房地产开发投资和商品住房竣工面积均继续保持增长态势,但全国商品住房销售面 The latest data from the National Developm