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第二章概念的定义和划分一、概述下定义这种逻辑方法下定义的目的,就是把被下定义的对象的本质属性指出来.指出了对象的本质属性,就可以把被下定义的对象与它相似的对象区别开来.例如说,语言是交流思想达到互相了解的手段,这就是给“语言”下的定义,因为通过语言交流思想达到互相了解,这就是语言的本质属性.下定义是一种逻辑方法.根据这种逻辑方法,可以把被下定义的对象的本质属性揭露出来,同时把它们与其它的对象区别开来.二、下定义的方法下定义是不能通过列举对象的所有属性的方法来达到的,因为对象的属性是无限多的.例如在给“人”这个概念下定义时,我们能不能把人的一切属性全部列举出来呢?如像有两条腿、有眼睛、有生命、能够说话等等,这显然是不可能的:所以我们不能用这种方法来下定义,唯一的方法就是通 The second chapter defines the concept and division I. Overview Define the definition of this logical method is the purpose of the object is defined by the definition of the nature of the property pointed out that the essential attributes of the object can be defined under the object For example, a language is a means of exchanging ideas for mutual understanding. This is the definition given to “language”, because to achieve mutual understanding through the exchange of ideas through language is the essential attribute of language. Under the definition of a logical method, according to this logical method, you can expose the nature of the object under the definition of attributes, while distinguishing them from other objects. Second, the definition of the definition of the method can not be enumerated All the attributes of the object to achieve, because the object’s properties are infinite. For example, in the definition of the concept of “people ”, we can not list all the attributes of people like it? It is obviously impossible to have legs, eyes, life, speech, etc. Therefore, we can not define this method in any way. The only way is to pass
在牛年春节期间,面对着日益严重的国际金融危机,生产势头一度减弱的柳州部分工业生产企业却逆势而上,开始加大马力生产,加班加点“闹春耕”。 During the Spring Festival o
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Objective: To investigate the expression of MDR-1 P-glycoprotein(MDR-1 Pgp) in breast cancer and analyze its correlation to the biological behavior and prognosi
直销业不少为夫妻档或情侣档,年轻的李一方与王禄源,四 年前分别毕业于某名牌大学的会计系与土木工程系,10个月前, 这对情侣辞去了各自的专业工作,一起投入直销。李一方说:“