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《辛丑条约》是帝国主义对中国进行穷凶极恶地敲榨勒索的一个不平等条约,是空前丧权辱国的卖国条约。条约中规定中国赔款四亿五千万两,三十九年还清,年息四厘,本息共合九亿八千二百多万两,是强加在中国人民头上的又一沉重枷锁。它造成了中国人民的极端贫困和社会经济的日益凋敝、《辛丑条约》的签订,严重损害了中国的主权,使近代中国蒙受极大的耻辱和灾难。从此,中国完全陷入了半殖民地半封建社会的深渊。本文仅对庚子赔款偿付情况略述如下: 庚子赔款经历了偿付、停付和部分部分退还三个阶段。一、赔款的偿付情况: 赔款、军费和外债是近代中国财政上的三大支出,其总数常常占国家岁出的三分之二以上。各个时期财政的盛衰和变迁,莫不与此关连。庚子赔 The “Xinchuang Treaty” is an unequal treaty by imperialism that carries out the most vicious squeeze and extortion against China and is a treaty on the sale of goods that has humiliated and humiliated China ever before. The treaty stipulates that China should pay 245 million yuan in two or three years, pay an annual interest rate of 4%, and its principal and interest amount to 9982 million taels. It is another heavy bond imposing on the Chinese people. It has caused the extreme poverty and the increasingly sluggish social and economic life of the Chinese people. The signing of the “Xinchou Treaty” has seriously damaged China’s sovereignty and has brought great humiliation and disaster to modern China. Since then, China has completely plunged into the abyss of a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society. This article only for the compensation of Gengzong summaries are as follows: Gengzi claims have been paid, stopped payment and partial return of the three stages. I. Payment of Indemnities: Indemnity, military expenditures and foreign debts are the three major financial expenditures in modern China. Their total amount often accounts for more than two-thirds of the country’s annual expenditure. The ups and downs and changes of finance in various periods are inextricably linked with this. Geng son lose
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国家期刊奖是我国期刊界唯一的政府奖 ,也是期刊界的最高奖项。首届国家期刊奖评奖活动于2 0 0 0年举行。 2 0 0 2年 10月 ,国家新闻出版总署举办了第二届国家期刊奖评选活动
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