
来源 :昆明理工大学学报(自然科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lala601
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在不断成熟的电动汽车技术推动下,电动汽车被越来越多的人们所接受,因此保证电动汽车在无人值守充电、久置停车或在运行过程中的安全性尤为重要.本文针对电动汽车远程监控平台系统,通过聚类算法分析远程监控平台电池包数据,实现实时预警电池包内电池安全故障,故障分级,并将电池包安全信息在线反馈到电动汽车终端.该方法在后台服务器能够快速分析汽车运行过程中的安全性问题,实时监测和反馈电池包安全信息,提高电动汽车运行和维护的安全性. Under the promotion of the mature electric vehicle technology, the electric vehicle is accepted by more and more people, so it is especially important to ensure that the electric vehicle is charged unattended, long-term parking or safety during operation.In this paper, Remote monitoring platform system, through the clustering algorithm analysis remote monitoring platform battery pack data to achieve real-time warning battery pack battery safety fault, fault classification, and battery pack safety information online feedback to the electric vehicle terminal.This method in the background server can quickly Analyze the safety problems during the operation of the vehicle, monitor and feedback the battery pack safety information in real time, and improve the safety of the operation and maintenance of the electric vehicle.
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