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翻译的准确首先取决于对源语发言人意图的识别。而对源语意图的识别不能仅靠查阅词典,从很大程度上取决于译员对源语文化的精通了解。在领会源语的意图之后,译员既要忠实于原文,又不必拘泥于原文,既要考虑目的语的思维习惯和文化需要,又要运用适当的翻译技巧和手段,对译文作适当的增添、删减,该明显时明显,该委婉时委婉,该含蓄时含蓄,必要的时候,甚至还可用译文的张扬来处理原文的简约,并对原文中没有明说的逻辑关系作出逻辑解释,把原文中语义的、句法的、文本的和语用的层面整合到译文的统一体中,以再现源语的意图。 The accuracy of translation depends first and foremost on the recognition of the source speaker’s intentions. The recognition of the source language intent can not rely solely on the dictionary, largely depending on the translator’s proficiency in the source language culture. After comprehending the original language intention, the translator should not only be faithful to the original text, but also must not rigidly adhere to the original text. They should not only consider the thinking habits and cultural needs of the target language, but also apply suitable translation techniques and means to appropriately increase the translation. The obvious when the euphemism euphemism, the subtle, when implicit, when necessary, can even use the translation of the publicity to deal with the simplicity of the original, and did not explain the logic of the original logical explanation, the original The semantic, syntactical, textual and pragmatic dimensions are integrated into the unity of the translation in order to reproduce the original language’s intentions.
2004年5月5日,在一次北京各高校的学术交流会上,一位青年教授的学术论文引起了笔者的极大兴趣。笔者在会后的第一时间采访了他。交流中,我无意中提及婚姻,不料竟引 On May
本文着重介绍电子自族共振(ESR)年代学方面近两年来有关的国际会议概况和研究进展。 This article focuses on the overview and research progress of international confe
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提起德甲进球最多的外援,熟悉德甲的球迷们肯定会不假思索地说出他的名字——埃尔伯,巴西射手在德甲球迷心中就是无所不能的代名词。然而问及德甲进球第二多的外援,恐怕很多人就要摇头了。截至今年9月1日,秘鲁前锋皮萨罗已经在258场德甲联赛中攻入了119球,距离埃尔伯的133球也只有14球的差距,也许在本赛季结束后,秘鲁人就将把原本属于埃尔伯的荣誉据为己有。    天生德甲杀手    皮萨罗似乎就是为德甲而