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鼓励外商在我国举办中外合作经营企业(以下简称“合作企业”),是我国利用外资,发展国民经济的一种灵活有效的投资形式。本文拟就合作企业存在的几个有争议的法律问题作一探讨,试图澄清。一、关于合作企业的出资方式。《合作企业法》第八条规定:“中外合作者的投资或提供的合作条件,可以是现金,实物,土地使用权,工业产权,非专利技术和其他财产权。”至于中外合作者各自应以何种方式投资,《合作企业法》第二条规定:“中外合作者举办合作企业应在合作企业合同中约定投资或合作条件。”这就是说,中外合作各方可以以《合作企业法》第八条规定的任何一种方式出资。具体出资方式由双方在合作企业合同中规定,法律 Encouraging foreign businessmen to hold Sino-foreign cooperative joint ventures (hereinafter referred to as “cooperative enterprises”) in our country is a flexible and effective form of investment for our country to use foreign investment and develop the national economy. This article intends to discuss several controversial legal issues existing in cooperative enterprises and try to clarify. First, on the cooperation of enterprise funding. Article 8 of the Law on Cooperative Enterprises stipulates that “the conditions for the investment or cooperation provided by Chinese and foreign partners may be cash, kind, land-use rights, industrial property rights, non-patented technologies and other property rights.” As for the cooperation between Chinese and foreign partners, Article 2 of the Law on Cooperative Enterprises stipulates: “When a Chinese-foreign contractual joint venture organizes a cooperative enterprise, it shall stipulate conditions of investment or cooperation in the contract of the cooperative enterprise.” This means that all parties to a Chinese-foreign cooperative partnership may use the “Cooperative Enterprise Law” Article VIII of any one of the ways funded. Specific means of contribution by both parties in the contract for the contract, the law
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教学要求 :1 .理解课文内容 ,领悟边疆建设者无私奉献的精神。2 .学习生字新词 ,理解含义深刻的句子。3.概括课文中心思想。4.有感情地朗读课文 ,背诵课文。教学重点、难点 :
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自然第六册《磁铁的性质》这一课的主要内容是通过实验让学生了解磁铁的两个性质:具有指南北方向的性质;同极相斥,异极相吸的性质,并能利用这两个性质判断磁铁的两极。 课堂
<正> 一、保护国有企业经营权是当前行政诉讼制度的一项重要任务在经济竞争中,国营大中型企业原本有着明显优势,但由于管理体制和经营机制上的问题导致国营企业在充分享有和自主行使经营权方面远远不如其他企业,由此严重影响了国营企业活力和优越性的发挥。我国宪法、民法通则和国营工业企业法曾较早就确立和