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目的探讨农村适宜卫生技术推广应用影响因素。方法采用整群随机抽样方法,对3 016名从事基层医疗服务工作的医务人员进行问卷调查,并对相关因素进行多因素Logistic回归分析。结果 95.13%的调查对象赞成或非常赞成适宜卫生技术在本地区推广应用,98.08%愿意或非常愿意掌握新的适宜卫生技术;年龄、职称、文化程度等因素与适宜卫生技术在本地区推广应用态度有相关关系(P<0.05);卫生适宜技术推广应用的主要影响因素为年龄(OR=0.868)、职称(OR=1.220)、文化程度(OR=1.474)、医生技术水平(OR=2.518)、领导重视程度(OR=3.321)、技术疗效(OR=3.118)、是否培训学习(OR=2.192)、患者接受程度(OR=2.109)、收费价格(OR=0.559)、医院管理机制(OR=1.261)等。结论适宜卫生技术适合在基层医疗单位推广应用,加强管理并建立有效的推广应用激励机制是在基层农村推广应用的关键环节。 Objective To explore the influencing factors of popularization and application of appropriate sanitation technology in rural areas. Methods A cluster random sampling method was used to investigate 3 016 medical staff engaged in grassroots medical services and conducted multivariate logistic regression analysis on related factors. Results 95.13% of the respondents agree or strongly agree with the promotion of appropriate health technologies in the region, 98.08% are willing or very willing to master the new appropriate health technologies; age, job title, education level and other factors and appropriate health technologies in the region to promote the application of the attitude (OR = 1.220), education level (OR = 1.474), doctor’s skill level (OR = 2.518), education level (OR = (OR = 3.118), training effect (OR = 2.192), patient acceptance (OR = 2.109), charging price (OR = 0.559), hospital management mechanism )Wait. Conclusion Appropriate hygienic technology is suitable for popularization and application in primary medical units. To strengthen management and establish effective incentive mechanism for promotion and application are the key links in the promotion and application of primary rural areas.
Amyloid-beta peptides(Aβ)are believed to beresponsible for the mental decline in patients withAlzheimer's disease(AD).In 1999,Schenk et alreported that immuni
本书系海因曼出版公司于1978年在伦敦出版,本刊现介绍其第二部分。 This book, Heinrich Publishers, was published in London in 1978, and now covers the second part o
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