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锂及锂的化合物是21世纪国际国内市场炙手可热的高新技术产品。随着中央西部大开发战略决策的逐步落实,中国西部特别是柴达木盆地锉资源的开发已被众多企业家猎人视线范围之内,成为他们大展宏图、紧抓商机并获取高额利润的基点。一、广阔的应用前景锂广泛用于航空航天、军事和原子工业。锂与铝或镁的合金因其密度小、强度大和抗疲劳性能好而广泛用于航空航天工业;金属锂还是一种高能固体燃料,主要用于人造卫星、宇宙火箭、航天飞机、鱼雷或核潜艇;用金属锂及其化合物做成的电池,充电时间短、存电时间 Lithium and lithium compounds are the 21st century hot domestic and international high-tech products. With the gradual implementation of the strategic decision of the central western development, the development of the file resources in western China, especially the Qaidam Basin, has been the sight of many entrepreneur hunters and has become their ambitious plan to seize business opportunities and generate high profits Base point. First, the broad application prospects Lithium is widely used in aerospace, military and atomic industries. Lithium and aluminum or magnesium alloys are widely used in the aerospace industry due to their low density, high strength, and good fatigue resistance. Lithium metal is also a high energy solid fuel and is mainly used in artificial satellites, space rockets, space shuttles, torpedoes or nuclear submarines ; With lithium metal and its compounds made of the battery, charging time is short, the storage time
如今,蜡烛的功能早已超越了照明阶段,被用来装饰家居生活,制造一份好气氛。北京“亮心堂”的店主,就把烛艺、香熏与家饰有机结合起来,开发出了蜡烛的新商机。  蜡烛于我们都不陌生,不过,现实生活中其功能早已超越了照明阶段,主要是营造温馨浪漫的氛围和情调。一些香熏蜡烛,对于吸收室内有害气体、净化空气还有一定的作用。  不仅如此,随着更环保的蜡烛新品种不断被开发,其功用也不断延伸。在北京西城区的名街烟袋斜街
Based on detailed studies of paleoearthquakes along major active faults in the transition area between the north eastern margin of Tibetan Plateau and the Ordos
东府办[2012]121号各镇人民政府(街道办事处),市府直属各单位:《东莞市加工贸易企业自主创新扶持办法》业经市人民政府同意,现印发给你们,请认真贯彻执行。 Dongfu Office [
The Eastern Kunlun Mt. had been subjected to uplift together with the Qinghai-Xizang (Tibet) Plateau before the Early Pleistocene, and yet the Mt. did not prot
从金离子在自然界的存在形式入手 ,分析了金的配阴离子在电场力作用下的运动形式 ,把金的配阴离子的运动分为 4个区 :配阴离子化学及电化学离解区 ;配阴离子被电场力离解区 ;
名次刊名影响因子名次刊名影响因子1中华传染病杂志 1 6392中华心血管病杂志 1 5903中华结核和呼吸杂志 1 4 614分析试验室 1 2 155中国科学D 1 1936中华妇产科杂志 1 1787中