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我国社保基金的保值增值一直仅限于银行存款和购买国债,商业性投资受到严格限制。这种谨慎的管理模式是由特定历史条件和经济条件所决定的。经过十几年的改革,我国社会保险完成了由“单位办保险”向社会保险、现收现付制向部分积累的基金筹集模式的转变。2001年底。《全国社会保障基金投资管理暂行办法》出台,与以往的有关规定相比,新办法将社保基金的投资范围和渠道扩大到了上市流通的证券投资基金、股票、信用等级在投 The value of social security funds in our country has been limited to bank deposits and treasury bonds, and commercial investment has been severely restricted. This cautious management model is determined by the specific historical conditions and economic conditions. After more than ten years of reform, China’s social insurance has completed the transition from “unit insurance” to social insurance and the pay-as-you-go fundraising model that has been partially accumulated. By the end of 2001. The “Interim Measures for the Investment Management of the National Social Security Fund” was promulgated. Compared with the previous relevant regulations, the new measures expanded the investment scope and channels of social security funds to the securities and investment funds listed and traded, with the stock and credit rating in the vote
Theperformanceof spaceborne atomic clock is one of the key factors that impact the accuracy of satellite navigation system positioning,navigation and timing (PN
一、概述 智能低下(MR)是一种以智力障碍为主的综合症状群,病因复杂、发病率高。据报导:英国为8‰,日本为6.6‰,WHO报告儿童精神发育迟滞严重者为4‰轻者高达30‰,我国四川、
油页岩可作为提炼石油之用,其灰渣已成为“三废”,但用它来改良粘性土壤可获水稻增产25%左右。为了探讨稻米是否受污染和对人体的远期作用,进行了毒性实验。 实验方法:①用按
High accurate prediction of polar motion has important significant and useful value for high‐precision space navigation and positioning.In this paper,the weigh
自从 196 6年英籍华人高锟提出光纤通信的概念以来 ,光纤通信有了长足的发展 ,这种以光代电的传输手段是通信史上的一场深刻革命 ,在信息基础设施方面扮演着重要的角色。 2 0
本文对我校发生的流行性出血热感染进行了调查分析。认为次此感染验与实验大白鼠的感染有直接关系。并就动物鼠龄和饲养条件与感染阳性检出率的关系进行了讨论。 This artic