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近年来,磐安县仁川镇柳坡村粉干加工业迅速扩大规模,成为该村农民增收的一条重要门路。从事粉干加工的农户达到18户,年产粉干近100万千克。仅粉干加工一项,全村增收近百万元。柳坡村粉干加工业的发展带动了其他产业的发展。许多加工户还自己购置了拖拉机等运输工具用于粉干营销。据统计,该村现有拖拉机50余辆,其中30多辆专门从事粉干营运销售。粉干加工业带动了养殖业的发展。目前,该村已有养猪大户14户,存栏最少的有20头,最多的达62头。村民曹万福自1997年投资14000元购买了粉干加工设备从事粉干加工外,还兼养肉猪,添置了拖拉机,集加工、养殖、营销于 In recent years, Pan’an County, Incheon town of Liu Po ​​Village powder dry processing industry to rapidly expand the scale of the village farmers income as an important gateway. Farmers engaged in dry powder processing reach 18 households, with an annual output of nearly 1 million kg dry powder. Only a powder dry processing, the village income nearly million. Liu Po ​​Village powder dry processing industry has led the development of other industries. Many processing households also purchased their own tractors and other means of transport for dry powder marketing. According to statistics, there are more than 50 existing tractors in the village, of which over 30 are specialized in dry powder sales. Dry powder processing industry led to the development of aquaculture. At present, there are 14 large pig-raising households in the village, with a minimum of 20 heads and up to 62 heads. Villager Cao Wanfu invested 14,000 yuan in 1997 to buy powder dry processing equipment engaged in dry powder processing, but also dug hog, bought a tractor, set processing, breeding, marketing at
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