
来源 :天然气工业 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:triyve
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1996年1月18日12时,我国陆上第一口设计井深最深、施工难度最大、水平井段最长的水平井——塔中水平4井,在塔里木探区钻成。该井是塔指在塔中四油田布的第四口重点开发水平井,由塔里木胜利钻井公司总承包。该井斜深4 318米,垂深3 582米,井斜92.4度,方位142.5度,纵距0.00米,横距9.42米,靶心距9.42米,水平段长600.6米。该井1995年9月20日18时一开,历时120天18小时,全井比计划周期提前30天完钻,600.6米的水平井段仅用30天20小时,中靶精度、钻井速度等技术指标均 At 12 o’clock on January 18, 1996, the first well on the land in China was the deepest in design and the most difficult in construction. The horizontal well with the longest horizontal horizontal well, Tajhong Middle Level 4, was drilled into the Tarim exploration area. The well is a tower that refers to the fourth well-tapped horizontal well in Taizhong IV field cloth, which is contracted by Tarim Victory Drilling Company. The well is 4,312 meters deep and 3,582 meters deep, with a well inclination of 92.4 degrees and an orientation of 142.5 degrees. The vertical distance is 0.00 meters, the horizontal distance is 9.42 meters, the target distance is 9.42 meters, and the horizontal section is 600.6 meters long. The well opened at 1800 hours on September 20, 1995 and lasted 120 days and 18 hours. The whole well was drilled 30 days earlier than the planned period. The 600.6 meters of horizontal well bore only 30 days and 20 hours, and the target accuracy, drilling speed, etc. Technical indicators are
目的调查广西凭祥地区莱姆病感染情况和基因型别。方法 2011年7月从广西凭祥地区采集蜱、啮齿动物和野鸟标本,分别采取煮沸法和Qiagen试剂盒提取蜱、啮齿动物脾脏以及鸟脾脏
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文中以黑龙江省宝清县七星河南区煤盆地为例,解析了煤盆地是如何形成和发展的。 Taking the coal basin of Henan Province, Qixing, Baoqing County, Heilongjiang Provinc
目的 探讨酒精分离联合自体带蒂角膜缘结膜瓣转位移植治疗翼状胬肉的手术技巧和临床疗效。方法对初发和复发性翼状胬肉120例(140眼)采用加%酒精浸泡胬肉头部后,剥离、切除胬肉,再联合自体带蒂角膜缘结膜瓣转位移植手术。术后随访3-12月,平均10月。比较术前术后视力、BUT情况,观察角膜上皮修复及自体带蒂角膜缘结膜瓣转位移植后存活情况,胬肉复发情况。结果酒精分离法使胬肉纤维血管组织与其下角膜基质分离更
The Balfour Formation was subdivided into five members based on lithological variation that is characterized by alternating sandstone-and mudstone -dominated me