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Two senior couples are walking along,wives in front,husbands behind.Herb says to Sam,“Gee,we went to a new restaurant last night and had the best meal ever.Good prices too.”Sam says,“Well,we like to eat out too.What was the name of the restaurant?”Herb says,“You’re going to have to help me out here a little.What’s the name of that pretty flower,smells sweet,grows on a thorny(多刺的)bush?”Sam says,“How about rose?” Two senior couples are walking along, wives in front, husbands behind.Herb says to Sam, “Gee, we went to a new restaurant last night and had the best meal ever .Good prices too. ” Sam says, “Well , ”We like to eat out too. What is the name of the restaurant?“ ”Herb says, “ You’re going to have to help me out here a little. What’s the name of that pretty flower, smells sweet, grows on a thorny (prickly) bush? ”Sam says, “ How about rose? ”
生活中的我们都需要来自他人的关爱,同时也需要去关爱他人。It was a warm,sunny,Saturdav afternoon sone fifteen or sixteen vears ago.I had volunteered to take my two
文章了介绍网络信息技术对图书馆在图书管理、服务工作、时间管理、人员素质等4个方面所带来的影响。 The article introduced the network information technology to the
2月27日,2017美国卡车运输协会技术年会暨技术装备展览会在田纳西州纳什维尔市的音乐城中心(Nashville Music City Center)盛大开幕。本次年会暨技术装备展览会由美国卡车运
The thermo-oxidative aging behaviors of Nylon 1010 films were studied by various analytical methods,such as measuring the chromaticity,relative viscosity,carbon
“My son decided to go into business on a shoestring(鞋带;一小笔钱),”said Sally,“He has tripled(使增至三倍)his money,but he’s still not satisfied.Can you bel