One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest

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  This week I saw a movie called One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest, which was very impressive, especially the ending.
  This movie tells a story about mental hospital. The protagonist McMurphy Murphy did not want to work on the farm, so he pretended to be a fool and then he was sent to a mental hospital. In there he met the friends of the mental asylum, Chief, Billy,Harding,Charlieand so on. At the first, they decided to observe weather Merck Murphy was really mentally abnormal or in order to escape labor. In the mental hospital, nurse Rachid had formulated a series of strict rules. They must be obeyed the rules. She treated them by telling stories, but it was actually torturing them, and they didn't want to recall the past.
  McMurphy wanted to change something, he taught Chief to play basketball. However, this is no effect. He felt very irritable in the mental hospital. He found this life was boring. The music in the hospital was very noisy, and the patients did not understand the rules of the game, etc. On the day of the opening of the world baseball game, he asked the nurse to adjust time so that he could see the game, and finally decided by vote. Only a few people agreed, so Ratched did not agree to his request. On the second day, he asked again and more than half of the number, but she refused on the pretext of the end of the meeting.
  He wanted to let his friends go out and experience the life outside. He stealthily carried his friends out. He made an appointment with his girlfriend and stole a boat to go fishing. That day, they were very happy. Unfortunately, after they returned to the hospital, McMurphy Murphy was severely punished. They decided to continue the treatment of him. Under his influence, Chief learned to play basketball.
  In the end, he decided to run away. He called his girlfriend to ask her to pick him up. His girlfriend and another girl bring the wine and came to the mental hospital. In that eve, they drank, danced, talked and so on. The next morning, a group of nurses came to the hospital, and they were angry at the scene. When the nurse saw Billy and a woman together, she began to humiliate him and want to tell his mother and Billy finally committed suicide. See Billy, he couldn't resist his anger, grabbed t her neck, but the nurse had not been strangled, and he got punished. In the end, he became a real idiot. At the end of the film, the chief smashed the glass through the whole faucet and fled and ended with a crowd of cheers.   The color tone of the whole film is not gorgeous, mainly in black and white, which also embodies the repressed atmosphere of the film. The film also emphasizes the square doors and windows in the hospital, and the regular barbed wire is set up. These all imprison people's souls and prevent people from seeking freedom. And in the conversation of the head nurse, a kind of authority and authority can be felt in the lens she has always looked up to, which is inviolable. In contrast, McMurphy's character and the spirit of rebellion are the main themes. Through this contrast, this is a tribute to McMurphy's spirit.
  After watching the film, the other one in addition to McMurphy's impression was Ratched the head nurse. Although everything she did was to treat the patient, she ignored the needs of the patient. She is self- righteous to use her method to treat it, and the patient must abide by her rules. I think most people see her as annoying as I do, and her indifference to the patient makes us feel that she is a demon. It also reminds me of something. For example, some people made a mistake, but we didn't stand in their perspective to consider the problem. Blindly using the highest point of morality to condemn and abuse others, may eventually lead totragedy.The nurse living in a world of their own. She thought she was excellent, and she wouldn't give up the patient. She felt that she had the ability to treat all the patients.
  Chief finally carry Cement platform broke the window, he managed to escape. Behind him, all the patients cheered for him。The cheers of the patients represent that they may also begin to yearn for freedom, even if they don't have the courage to escape now, but this is a good start. His numbness to the last awakening and his courage to escape, this is a kind of self awakening, self awareness and exploration, which is also the spirit McMurphy wants to convey -- pursuing freedom. At this time the theme of the film is also in the extreme.
  It is a pity that McMurphy is dead, but his spirit has been inherited, which is a success. If the end of the film is that McMurphy has run away but the others are still living the same life, the film doesn't have much meaning.
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