Synthesis and spectroscopic properties of rare earth picrate complexes with a new dinaphthalenelamid

来源 :Journal of Rare Earths | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wra207
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The new ligand N-benzyl-2-{2’-[(benzyl-ethyl-carbamoyl)-methoxy]-dinaphthalene-2-yloxy}-N-ethyl-acetamide(L) and its complexes of rare earth picrates were synthesized.The complexes were characterized by elemental analysis,IR,UV-vis spectra and conductivity measurements.The fluorescence properties of the europium complex in solid state and CHCl3,ethyl acetone,acetonitrile and DMF were investigated.Under the excitation,the europium complex exhibited characteristic emissions of europium.The lowest triplet state energy level of the ligand indicated that the triplet state energy level of the ligand matched better to the resonance level of Eu(Ⅲ) than Tb(Ⅲ) ion. The new ligand N-benzyl-2- {2 ’-benzyl-ethyl-carbamoyl) -methoxy] -dinaphthalene-2-yloxy} -N-ethyl- acetamide (L) and its complexes of rare earth picrates were synthesized. The complexes were characterized by elemental analysis, IR, UV-vis spectra and conductivity measurements. The fluorescence properties of the europium complex in solid state and CHCl3, ethyl acetone, acetonitrile and DMF were investigated. Undertaken the excitation, the europium complex extracted characteristic emissions of europium.The lowest triplet state energy level of the ligand indicates that the triplet state energy level of the ligand matched better to the resonance level of Eu (III) than Tb (III) ion.
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