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《数据采集与处理》是由中国电子学会、中国仪器仪表学会信号处理学会,中国仪器仪表学会、中国物理学会微弱信号检测学会和南京航空航天大学联合主办,南京航空航天大学出版的技术刊物。创刊于1986年3月。主要刊登各学科、工程技术领域在科学实验和生产过程中,有关以计算机为中心的信号检测、数据采集、处理和控制等方面的稿件,内容包括各种信号的获取技术与手段,-A/D,D/A 转换、预处理电路,计算机处理与控制等各个部分和整个系统的理论、方法和应用技术。其宗旨是开展技术交流,推动科学研究,不断提高我国在信号检测、数据采集、处理及控制的技术和理论水平,扩大应用范围,积极为四化建设服务。读者对象为厂矿、科研单位从事测试工作和计算机应用的科技人员,以及理工科大专院校的师生。 “Data Acquisition and Processing” is a technical publication published by Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics jointly sponsored by China Institute of Electronics, Chinese Society for Instrumentation, Signal Processing Society, China Instrument and Control Society, China Society of Weak Signal Detection and Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics. Founded in March 1986. Main published in various disciplines, engineering and technical fields in scientific experiments and production process, the computer-centric signal detection, data acquisition, processing and control aspects of manuscripts, including a variety of signal acquisition techniques and means, A / D, D / A conversion, pre-processing circuit, computer processing and control of various parts and the entire system theory, methods and application of technology. Its purpose is to carry out technical exchanges, promote scientific research, continue to improve China’s signal detection, data acquisition, processing and control technology and theory level, expand the scope of application, and actively serve the four modernizations. Readers for factories and mines, research institutes engaged in testing and computer applications, science and technology personnel, and science and engineering colleges and universities teachers and students.
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我不是地道的济南人,但我喜欢济南,对他的认识也在不断的慢行中加深。我对老济南是痴迷的,以至于空余时间从不呆在家里,而是去寻找老街老巷,不断地穿行,并发现他们的精彩。  这次我要说的是济南经二路附近的老商埠街。老商埠街中布局着饱含岁月沧桑的清末民初老建筑,他们散落在经二路到经四路之间,像极了饱读诗书的老者,阅示着老济南的风雨岁月和沧桑变迁。对于经二路,我最初与他相识是在2007年,那时,这条街上有很