A Report on Non-Egnlish Majors’ Motivation and Achievement of Learning English

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  【Abstract】A large number of non-English majors seldom consider what strategies of learning English they are using to regulate their motivation and how their motivation is related to achievement. Data were collected from 4000 college non-English-majors at Guizhou University using a questionnaire. This paper contrasts students' motivation and strategies of learning English. Some teaching approaches are offered to motivate students to do their best in attaining higher achievement.
  【Key Words】motivation;strategies;achievement;approaches
  1. Introduction
  The students admitted in Guizhou University begin this journey at the same starting line as far as their entrance scores are concerned. There is a difference between the achievements over the four years. Why does this phenomenon exist? What are the causes of this phenomenon?And how can we help to solve this problem?This study offers some strategies to encourage students to reach high level achievement.
  2. Literature Review
  Motivation is a complex and multifaceted topic. There are conflicting views not only of what leads to motivation and whether it can be influenced, but also of what actually defines motivation. As Dornyei (2000) claims that motivation theories in general attempt to explain three interrelated aspects of human behaviour: The choice of a particular action, persistence with it, and effort expended on it. That is, motivation is responsible for why people decide to do something, how long they are willing to sustain the activity, and how hard they are going to pursue it (p.520). Molden and Dweck (2000), place particular emphasis on the ways in which the meanings that people assign to achievement situations affect their motivation, considering questions that revolve around what people strive for and what success or failure means. While different people may be motivated by the same goal, for example, the goal may hold quite different meaning and thus result in different motivational patterns.
   More recently, motivational researchers such as Meyer and Turner (2002) have begun to acknowledge emotions as essential to learning and teaching in their conceptualization of what constitutes motivation to learn. In their classroom-based research program focused on various aspects of motivation, such as students' responses to challenge and teacher scaffolding of student involvement, Meyer and Turner (Meyer & Turner, 2002) found that emotions were central to their findings. Findings include that positive emotional support was included in highly involving classroom interactions and that teachers' affective responses are important both academically and at the interpersonal level. Teachers' enthusiasm, humour, love of learning and modeling of positive emotions and motivation as learners were evident as features of instructional context, as well as correlated with students' reports of positive affect and motivation to learn (Meyer & Turner, 2002).
  According to self-efficacy theory an individual is intrinsically motivated when they choose a task (autonomy), which it is believed they can successfully complete (self-confidence and self-efficacy). Successful completion (receiving positive feedback) reinforces or adds to the individual's self-efficacy. Thus success at a task intrinsically motivates an individual towards that task. Self-efficacy refers to people's beliefs about their capabilities to carry out actions required to achieve a confident level of achievement (Banfura, 1993). Specifically, they are beliefs that individuals have that they can do something like read a book, write a poem, or dance. Self- efficacy beliefs refer to specific judgments rather than more global judgments like being a good reader, writer or dancer. In fact, self-efficacy often refers to specific situations within a learning environment based on learner goals. According to Linnenbrink & Pintrich (2003), students who are efficacious are more likely to work hard, to persist, and seek help so they can complete a task. These same students use cognitive and metacognitive strategies to increase their understanding. Students with low self-efficacy are much less likely to use a combination of strategies such as elaboration and relating concepts. Self-efficacy is also linked to motivational beliefs like interest, value, and utility, as well as positive affective reactions. Collectively, these characteristics of self-efficacy demonstrate a relationship between self-efficacy and academic performance. Studies have shown that learners' self-efficacy enhances their motivation and advances learning (Wigfield, 1998; Zimmerman & Martinez-Pons, 1990)
  There are also some considerable evidence suggests that much of achievement motivation can be understood in terms of the different goals individuals bring to the achievement context (Utman, 1997). No matter what kind of goals students want to achieve, from better grades on an exam to the realization of a great ideal, self-efficacy and strategies are the critical factors to success. Bruce W. Tuckman's (1999) study shows there is a relation between strategy and success in school and in a variety of other areas as well. In deed, the entire concept of self-regulation has burst upon the motivation scene to reflect the connection between specific strategies and performance outcomes, exemplified by the considerable work of Schunk and Zimmerman (1998a), including a paper given earlier in this symposium. Strategies that have been shown to have a particular impact on achievement (Aimmerman, 1989) are self-observing, self-judging, and self-reacting (e.g., goal setting, planning), and more recently, self-evaluation and monitoring, goal setting and strategic planning, strategy implementation and monitoring, and strategic outcome monitoring (Zimmerman, 1998).As McCombs and Marzano (1990) state,achievement outcomes have been regarded as a function of two characteristics, "skill" and "will", and these must be considered separately because possessing the will alone may not insure success if the skill is lacking. Cognitive and metacognitive strategies, often referred to as "study skills," are considered essential to being successful in college. Their importance is underscored by the fact that academic tasks at the college level tend to demand far higher level thinking and independent learning than those encountered in secondary school (Carson, Chase, Gibson, and Hargove, 1992). Instruction in these strategies is currently the subject of much interest and research in education. An example of a general approach to teaching learning strategies, labeled "learning-to-learn," has its basis in informational and generative models of learning, and its emphasis on self-regulated and strategic learning (Simpson, Hynd, Nist, and Burrell, 1997).
  So, what a teacher should do is to play a mediational role in academic attainment and outcomes, that is to say, a teacher should provide students with strategy instruction and training in self-monitoring and self-correcting increased performance both directly and through the enhancement of self-efficacy.
  Taking these theories into consideration, one can understand the role of motivation and study strategies to enhance achievement.
  In order to contrast students' motivation and strategies , the author surveyed students in their respective courses in Guizhou University.
  3. Administration
  The questionnaire included 2 areas:motivation for attending college and strategies for studying. Each area had 10 items from study purposes to high level achievement strategies. The respondents were asked to rate each item of a 5-point likert-type scale with "1" meaning " strongly disagree," "2" "disagree", "3 "neutral", "4" "agree",and "5" "strongly agree." High scores indicate high motivation for attending college and efficient strategies for studying. Conversely low scores reflectedlow motivation, and inefficient strategies.
  Participants were 4000 students from Guizhou University50% of whom were females. With regard to class, 30% were freshmen, 30% were sophomores, 20% were third year students, and 20% were fourth year students. The mean age for all students was 21.5 years ranging from 18 to 23 years old (M age=21.5 years. SD=1.2). All participants were selected from those students who volunteered to be a research participant.
  ● Procedure
  The administration of questionnaires took place in late fall in 2007. Staff colleagues of the authors conducted the administration. Students were informed their participation was voluntary. They did not sign their names. All questionnaires were distributed and collected during the same class. The total time in each class was 10 minutes.
  4. Findings
  Motivation for attending college ( See Table 1)

  Table 1 indicates that motivation causes one to act or behave in a certain way and causes one to make the decision to focus mental and physical resources on a task. This study has found that students view learning purpose differently. For example, most students in Guizhou University (63%) reported that they were attending college primarily to gain new knowledge and skills so as to realize their dreams.

  Table 2 shows that a large number of studentslack effective strategies for learning. For example, there are about 21% students only reading the handouts given by teachers, about 35% students report they just listen to the teacher and underline the key points. From the tables, we can come to the conclusion that motivation and strategy each make a distinguishable but interrelated contribution to achievement. Without motivation, there is no energy to propel that action. And without strategy, there is nothing to help select and guide the necessary action.
  5. Discussion:
  The responses to the questionnaire also prove that teaching method is an important means to attract students' attention, and teaching materials are also of prime importance for students' motivation. Therefore, teachers in Guizhou University should try various approaches to absorb students' interests and stimulate them to learn actively.
  One way to achieve this goal is to make arrangements of pre-reading activities related to the teaching materials, including webbing, brainstorming, strip sentences and initial discussion and the like. These activities will stimulate students to link knowledge they have learned to the materials they are going to learn, and help them to relate the materials to their own experience, interests and aims. And these activities also increase their motivation and give learners a more positive attitude towards the materials.
  Another way is to use computer technology in the classroom. Because web-based technology can be intrinsically motivating, it can provide an open-ended learning environment where there are no correct answers; it allow students to work privately it does not embarrass students who make mistakes. Working privately and not being embarrassed by failures are motivators for such people as the chance of damaging self-concept is low and failure is not on public display. Self-paced learning means that students can choose tasks they feel they are capable of completing. This reduces the perceived threat of failure and anxiety and increases intrinsic motivation because the task challenge and perceived ability are equal. This kind of self-paced, open-ended and user controlled environment allows the learner to select challenges which they feel are suitable (CARET, 2002a, paragraph 1 and Cotton, 2001 why students like CAI section, paragraph 2).
  As for teaching materials, a large number of students (85%) think that they are attracted by the materials which are full of interests, knowledge and practicality. They say they would like to devote to these materials without any pressure. As an old Chinese saying described "Interest is the best teacher". Therefore, when delivering teaching materials, teachers must be cautious as to choosing contents and length of certain materials.
  6. Conclusion
  There is an implication for practice or application in classroom teaching, insofar as motivation for achievement is a quality with high societal value. Efforts should be made by teachers to enhance students' attitudes or beliefs in their own capability, to impel or propel engagement in the learning process, and to teach students about relevant strategies that can be used, especially teach students to form active attitude and help them to find proper strategies, for they do exert a positive influence on both intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation for higher achievement.
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【摘要】示范操作教学法,是直观性很强的教学方式,是生产实习教学中极为重要的教学方法。本文介绍了示范操作教学法的五种形式。  【关键词】生产实习;示范操作    技校的生产实习教学,是要使学生熟练地掌握基本操作技能,这是他们毕业后走向工作岗位,独立操作赖以发展的基础。而操作能力的培养、技巧的获得又有赖于实习老师规范的操作和科学的教学方法。生产实习教学的示范操作法,是直观性的教学形式,也是生产实习教学
【摘要】语文教学目的是培养学生的语文能力。某种意义上讲,这种语言能力不是别的,就是语感。因此,小学语文教学必须走进生活,培养学生的直觉思维,在对生活的体验过程中,训练学生的语感能力,培养学生的审美能力,其培养途径和策略为:在朗读中积累语感,在生活中品味语感,在情境中深化语感,在运用中内化语感。  【关键词】语感;语文教学    引言:《语文课程标准》中指出:“让学生具有独立阅读的能力,注重情感体验
【摘要】本文简要介绍在政治课教学中重视学生自主学习能力的培养,从理论上分析可行性和实践经验,总结了若干的实践观点。  【关键词】自主学习能力;学会学习;自主学习;学习习惯    学会学习是21世纪社会发展的主题,也是21世纪人才应具备的条件。培养学生的创新意识创新能力,引导学生学会学习,养成自主学习的能力,一直是教育领域面临的重要课题。  所谓自主学习,就是指学生自己作主,通过自身的活动,自主地探
【摘要】英语口语培养势在必行,切被害跟上社会的需要,完全符合素质教育的宗旨。所以必须加强说的能力,养成良好的英语、口语习惯。  【关键词】听力;技巧;句型练习;说的勇气和环境    和听力一样,说的能力同属于口语能力。如今随着交通工具的改进,各国人民交往日益频繁,英语作为一门国际上应用较多的语言,也越来越被人们所使用,尤其是2008年奥运会召开,英语作用充分展现出来。因此听说能力的用途也越来越广。
【摘要】教学优化设计,是通过系统科学的方法使教学各个要素达到完美结合,从而实现最佳教学效果。阐述教学目标设计——全面性和客观性,教学方法设计——适应性和主体性,教学程序设计——整体性和灵活性等几个问题。  【关键词】历史;课堂教学;优化设计      课堂教学设计是运用系统方法,将学习理论和教学理论的原理转换成对教学目标(或教学目的)、教学内容、教学条件、教学方法……等要素进行具体计划的系统化过程
【摘要】物理教学中针对学生在物理学习过程中产生的心理障碍应给予及时的预防和帮助,本文主要阐述这一心理障碍的表现、成因及其对策。  【关键词】心理障碍;预防和消除;高中物理学习    素质教育着重培养学生的主动性和创造性,促进学生健康活泼地全面发展.。作为教师应针对学生在学习中产生的心理障碍,采取相应的对策,及时预防并给予帮助,使素质教育落到实处。本文就物理学习中产生的心理障碍表现,成因及对策谈谈自
【摘要】这篇文章阐述了通过扩大词汇量和听说读写的训练来培养学生学习英语的策略,目的是提高学生的英语素养。文中强调,只要提高了英语素养,英语成绩就相应地获得提高,当然针对考试相应地做一些训练也很有必要。  【关健词】词汇量;听说读写;英语素养;针对性训练;考试    英语素养就是平常我们所说的综合语言运用能力,意即听说读写能力,但是我觉得还需加上词汇量这一项。也就是说,假如我们说某某英语素养很高,那
【摘要】在数学教学中巧用多媒体教学手段,可以使抽象的数量关系形象化,使静态的思维材料动态化,不仅能有效地吸引学生的注意力、激发学生学习数学的兴趣,而且是培养学生形象思维能力的有效途径。  【关键词】数学教育;多媒体技术;应用    一、“教育史上的第四次革命”使多媒体教学成为必然    创立学校、应用书面语言、发明印刷术,被称为教育史上的三次革命。而今天,多媒体技术的发展和应用,引起了教育的第四次
【摘要】本文论述了在初中英语教学过程当中学生学习兴趣的重要性以及应如何培养学生的学习兴趣。  【关键词】初中;英语教学;学习兴趣;积极;自信;情感    我从事初中英语教学有七年时间。在这期间,我一直奋战在英语教学的第一线,经历了两届教材的更替,也有了一些教学经验和感受。初中学生年龄小、自我约束能力差、班级人数又多,有时教师很难在课堂上很难行之有效地开展丰富的语言教学活动。因此,如何激发学生的学习
【摘要】文章研究了在机械制图课程中使用计算机辅助教学的一些相关问题,论述了通过电子板书、动态模拟、人机交互、智能辅导等教学手段,进而用丰富的素材将教学内容用多种媒体组织起来完成教学任务,实现教学课堂的生动性与实用性。  【关键词】机械制图;多媒体技术; 教学    引言  目前国内各院校在教学手段上,除采用传统的计算机作图、黑板作图、模型演示、挂图、现场测绘指导外,最为突出的一点就是引进了多媒体教