Translation and Power

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Ⅰ. Introduction

  Translation is more than just word for word rendering; rather, it deals with the task of disseminating culture and facilitating communication among different nations. The functions of translation mean that it shall be influenced by power from politics, economy, religion, social value and so on. At the same time, translation exerts its influence on society, serving as a catalyst of political and social reform as well as a driving force for economic development.

Ⅱ. Power exerted on translation from various aspects

  1. Translation and politics
  According to the British translation theorist Theo Herman, translation work is constrained by three factors: ideology, poetics and sponsor. Among these three factors, ideology and sponsor have a close connection with politics. Translation, as an important part of a nation’s culture, is constantly influenced by the nation’s political status as well as the world’s political situation.
  Taking China as an example, the huge influence of politics on translation can be seen throughout its history, including the boom of Buddhism translation in Tang Dynasty, the large-scale Soviet-Union literature translation in the 1950s and Chair Mao’s works translation of the same period.
  It is recorded that the first major wave of translation in China dated back to 148 A.D, which was marked by the translation of Buddhist scripts on an unprecedented scale (Tymoczko and Gentzler, 2002:172). It lasted for thousands of years, making it the longest translation boom by far. The reasons that had constituted this boom is various, and many may attribute it to religious influence; but one instrumental factor that can not be neglected is politics. The translation of Buddhist scriptures was made possible because of the opening of the Silk Road, which provided the prerequisite of cultural exchange (Tymoczko and Gentzler, 2002:172). One should not forget that during that period of history, China enjoyed a relatively open cultural atmosphere and the ruling emperor like Emperor Tai Zong of the Tang Dynasty advocated the introduction of Buddhism, thus greatly propelling the process of massive Buddhist scripture translation.
  China witnessed its fourth translation boom during the 1950s, which was characterized by the exclusive translation of “political correct” texts, such as the literature from Soviet Union and other socialist countries as well as few western literature that depicts the dark side of capitalism (Tymoczko and Gentzler, 2002:178).   This manipulation of translation by the government came in a particular period when the world was divided into two camps: the socialist camp led by the Soviet Union and the capitalist camp headed by the United States (Tymoczko and Gentzler, 2002:166). As a member of the socialist camp, China imposed an extremely strict scrutiny on the literary works that were translated, and only works advocating the socialist ideology could be brought to Chinese people. According to the statistics from A Catalogue of Foreign Classical Literary Works in Translation, 1949-1979 (1949-79 Fanyi chuban waiguo gudian wenxue zhuzuo mulu) published in 1986, works from Russian writers take up 77 pages of the book, more than the combined space for English and American writers (Tymoczko and Gentzler, 2002:167). Meanwhile, the content of translation works were dominated by class struggle, and for those few western literature that were translated into China, their contents were invariably centered on capitalist exploitation and racial discrimination, like Uncle Tom’s Cabin and Oliver Twist.
  Another feature of this period’s translation was the rigid English translation of Chainman Mao’s work. Mao’s words were deemed sacred back then, therefore the translation of his works needed to strictly comply with the original texts. It is said that translators of his work were not allowed to break his long sentences into shorter ones, even that they would hinder readers’ understanding of the contexts (Tymoczko and Gentzler, 2002:179).
  The influence of politics on translation is widespread across the world and not confined in China. It’s worth noting that although political influence is natural and can not be avoided, extreme institutional manipulation will only do harm to a nation’s development as shown in the second example of China. In contrast, appropriate guidance and encouragement from the government can facilitate a nation’s cultural and social development (Tymoczko and Gentzler, 2002:180).
  2. Translation and religion
  Religion is another aspect that has a huge impact on translation. It influences translators’ interpretation of certain concepts and their rendering methods. It also serves as the motivation for translation from time to time.
  As one of the most influential classics in China’s history, Lao Zi has been the interest of many translators, among whom the most important ones are British missionary John Chalmers, American philosopher Paul Carus and the well-known sinologist James Legge. The former two translators were deeply influenced by Christianity, which left distinctive marks on their translations (劉固盛 吴雪萌2011:62).   Though John Chalmers’s extensive knowledge in Chinese enabled him to translate precisely some basic philosophical concepts of Lao Zi while retaining its rhythmic beauty, his entrenched Christian ideas inevitably found its expression in his translation as he interpreted Lao Zi’s thinking on the level of religion rather than philosophy (刘固盛 吴雪萌2011:62). The same thing was found in Paul Carus’s translation. He borrowed directly some terms in the Bible to translate the equivalent words in Lao Zi and related the book’s concepts to those in the Bible(刘固盛,吴雪萌2011:64).
  3. Translation and social value
  Social value also plays an important part in translation. Readers’ tastes are to a large extent influenced by the social value of the society where they live, which has a direct impact on the spread of translation works.
  Taking America for instance. More than 100 poems of the Tang Dynasty poet Han Shan were translated and published during the 1950s and the 1960s: the year 1954 saw 27 poems’ translation by Arthur Waley; 24 poems translated by Gary Snyder were published in 1958; a collection of 100 Han Shan’s poems came out in 1962 (谢天振, 2003:4). The reason why Han Shan’s poems enjoyed such a popularity in America lied not only in the skills of their translators, but in the chord they stroke in Americans of that historical period. According to some scholars, Han Shan’s poems reflect the value that was pursued by the generation of the 1950s and the 1960s in America: the wish to return to nature and the rebellious spirit against social convention (谢天振, 2003:4). In other words, it was the prevailing social value that laid the foundation for the large-scale translation and publication of Han Shan’s poems in America.
  4. Translation and economy
  With the acceleration of globalization, economic activities that involve more than one country become commonplace around the world and the needs to make inter-cultural communication, to solve legal conflicts arising from business activities and to keep up with the latest technology development have created an enormous demand for business, legal and technology translation.
  One of the examples of this influence is that China is experiencing its fifth translation wave (Tymoczko and Gentzler, 2002:168) and have seen an upsurge of business, legal and technology translation in recent years. This wave comes largely as a result of China’s fast growing economy, in which export transactions and absorption of advanced management and technological skills play a pivotal role. Translations of books like Steve Jobs’ autobiography became one of the best sellers in China, while more and more translators are engaging in legal, commercial and technological translation, which in turn greatly drives China’s economic development. It’s impossible that China can become what it is today without the latest translation wave.

III. Conclusion

  Translation activity is constantly influenced by power from politics, economy, religion, social value and so on, and such power can make a great impact on translators’ status, their translating methods and translation choices. When doing translation study, it’s essential to take the above mentioned influence into consideration so as to achieve an objective evaluation of translation works.
  [1]Tymoczko,Gentzler,2002,Translation and Power,Massachusetts of the United of States,University of Massachusetts Press.
【摘要】英语新词的创造层出不穷,丰富了语言,也反映出了新思想、新观点、新事物。本文基于概念整合理论,以2017年Word Spy英语新词为考查对象,阐释英语新词的认知过程,揭示英语新词的意义构建。  【关键词】概念整合理论;英语新词;意义构建  【Abstract】English neologisms enrich vocabulary, which reflect new ideas, new
【摘要】语法是英语教学重要组成部分,只有掌握语法才能提高后续英语学习效率。当前英语课堂忙于学习篇幅冗长的语言材料而忽视语法知识讲解,以致于学生英语学习事倍功半。情景教学法即教师根据学生实际情况为其创设符合学习规律情景,便于学生快速融入其中,激发学习兴趣。本文则从创设游戏、信息技术以及问题情景等分析其具体应用策略,拟与同行教师进行切磋共勉。  【关键词】初中英语;语法教学;情景教学法  【作者简介】
【摘要】在高中英语教学中,要培养学生的语感,良好的语感可以提高学生对英语的领悟能力,从而更好的掌握英语学习技巧。本文主要介绍了培养语感的具体途径,旨在对学生系统培养,使其可掌握英语知识,提高英语应用的能力。  【关键词】高中英语教学;语感;培养途径  【作者简介】田梅芳,兰州新区舟曲中学。  在英语教学中培养学生的语感至关重要。语感是人们对于语言的感知、领悟能力,是是能生巧的一种体现。语感包括人们
【摘要】食物是人类生活中的必需品,也是文学书写中永恒的主题。在文学作品中,作者通过描写食物,以及人物之间因为食物而产生的互动,来表现人物的性格,人际关系,社会地位,甚至通过食物书写来表达自己的政治观念和道德批判。本文通过分析文中食物在情节以及人物塑造的作用,探讨王尔德在《不可儿戏》中如何通过描写食物来塑造人物形象,社会关系以及表达自己的道德批判。  【关键词】王尔德;不可儿戏;食物书写  【作者简
【摘 要】作为政治话语的美国总统特朗普就职演讲语篇一直是学界关注的热点。本研究以韩礼德系统功能语法中的三个纯理功能为理论框架,以特朗普的就职演讲语篇为语料,探究其演讲中运用的语言策略以及语言策略的功能。研究结果表明,特朗普主要采用物质过程和关系过程、陈述语气、大量的情态动词“will”、大量的人称代词“we”、“you”和标记主位等语言技巧,旨在引起听众共鸣、获取听众信任、抚慰听众。本文对更好地理
【摘要】《蝴蝶君》于1988年荣登百老汇舞台,黄哲伦凭借这部成名作加入了美国一流剧作家的行列。本文以德国剧作家布莱希特的“陌生化效果”为切入点解读这部戏剧。通过分析戏剧情节,戏剧舞台,戏剧表演,本文阐明黄哲伦如何巧妙地将布莱希特的“陌生化效果”融入其中。本文的结论是“陌生化效果”使该剧成功颠覆《蝴蝶夫人》的神话,使观众以批判的态度重新审视男性女性,东西方之间的关系。  【关键词】《蝴蝶君》; “陌
【摘要】因学生自身特征和时代发展需求,传统的英语教学方法已经不适用在当下小学生英语教学课堂中,因此便需英语教师进行针对性转变,提高小学英语教学效率。为此,笔者对小学英语教学中游戏教学法运用进行分析,把握小学生的心理特点,将游戏活动巧妙融合入英语教学中,提高小学生学习英语的积极性,促进小学生加深对英语学习的理解,从而有意义推动英语教学发展。  【关键词】小学;英语;游戏教学  【作者简介】周玉,江苏
【摘要】英语课堂中的教师话语是连接教学的纽带,教师反馈语则是教师话语的重要组成部分,其使用的数量及质量会影响甚至决定着课堂教学的成败。本文通过课堂观察并记录五六年级各两名教师的反馈语,而后加以分析,提出优化建议,以促进教师使用反馈语的敏感性,从而提高小学高年级英语课堂的教学实效。  【关键词】小学高年级;英语课堂;教学反馈语  【作者简介】杨菁,南京市栖霞区实验小学尧辰路校区。一、引言  随着全球
【摘要】随着国际竞争激烈化,高职院校开展优秀双语课程培养一批参与国际分工的技术应用型高等专门人才具有重大意义。但目前我国高职院校双语教学现状不容乐观,存在较多问题,还不具备全面或大规模开展双语教学的条件。高职院校应重视双语教学建设,正视问题现状,积极探索适合自己的双语教学之路。  【关键词】高职院校;双语教学;现状分析;改革探究  【作者简介】王晓姣,嘉兴职业技术学院外语与贸易分院。一、引言  2