
来源 :社会保障研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:JK0803_zengyang
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在西方社会理论体系中,社区一直是社会工作和社会福利的载体,有着不可忽视的社会保障功能,而我国计划经济与单位制解体之后,社会保障逐渐从企业福利中分离出来,亟须在单位制体系之外寻求新的依托,这也是“社区建设”迅速兴起并在目前愈加得到重视的原因之一。那么,社会转型的背景下,社区发展与社会保障变革有着何种互促与互制的关系?如何才能形成二者的良性互动?社区化能否成为中国社会保障的发展之路?如果可以,社区与社会保障将在哪些领域或哪些层面结合?以上即为本研究希望回答的问题。基于历史现实和逻辑推断,本研究认为社区制度、社会保障制度及其周围的制度环境是一个有机整体,因此只有针对整个系统来进行综合设计才能够提出有效的社会保障制度创新改革方案。本文设计的社会保障改革与发展的目标模式是一个三层次保障系统:第一层是基于社会资本的互助保障,第二层是基于国家责任的强制保障,第三层是基于志愿原则的慈善保障。相应地,城市社区具有三层社会保障功能:第一层为提供社会资本培育的土壤,第二层为参与和配合社会保障管理与服务,第三层为提供慈善事业发展的平台。 In the western social theory system, the community has always been a carrier of social work and social welfare. It has a social security function that can not be ignored. After China’s planned economy and system disintegration, social security gradually separated from the enterprise welfare. It is also one of the reasons why “community building” is rapidly emerging and is being paid more attention nowadays. So, in the context of social transformation, what is the relationship between community development and social security reform? What is the relationship between mutual promotion and mutual restraint? How can communityization become the development road of China’s social security? If so, What areas or levels of community and social security will be combined? These are the questions that this study hopes to answer. Based on historical facts and logical inferences, this study argues that the community system, the social security system and the institutional environment around it are an organic whole. Therefore, an effective social security reform can be proposed only if the overall system is designed comprehensively. The target model of social security reform and development designed in this paper is a three-level security system: the first is the mutual assistance based on social capital, the second is the compulsory protection based on state responsibility, and the third is the charity protection based on the principle of volunteer . Correspondingly, urban communities have three layers of social security functions: the first is to provide soil for social capital cultivation, the second is to participate in and cooperate with social security management and services, and the third is to provide a platform for philanthropy development.
AIM: To investigate the effect of N-desulfated heparin on tumor metastasis and angiogenesis, and expression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) of orth