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目的了解杭州市本专科新生社会资本现状及其与健康之间关系,为改善本专科新生健康状况提供参考。方法采用多阶段分层整群随机抽样方法,共调查杭州市3所大学的1 105名新生。利用社会资本调查问卷、自尊量表、生活满意度量表进行调查,采用结构方程模型分析本科和专科新生社会资本对健康的影响。结果本科新生的社会支持、社会信任、社会归属感、社会网络、社会参与均分(47.95±8.09,17.09±2.47,24.21±4.22,10.80±2.55,5.21±14.22)均高于专科新生(46.61±7.71,16.04±2.48,23.28±3.96,7.62±1.95,4.66±1.40)(t值分别为6.50,2.56,3.40,22.62,1.14,P值均<0.05)。结构方程模型分析显示,本科和专科新生社会资本潜自变量对健康潜因变量的标准化路径系数分别为0.76和0.82,其中社会归属感对本科学生健康的影响最大(r=0.62),社会支持对专科学生健康的影响最大(r=0.70)。结论本科和专科新生社会资本对健康有积极影响。增强本科学生的社会归属感和提高专科学生的社会支持有利于改善身心健康状况。 Objective To understand the status quo of social capital and its relationship with health among undergraduates in Hangzhou and to provide references for improving the health status of the freshmen in Hangzhou. Methods The multi-stage stratified cluster random sampling method was used to survey 1 105 freshmen in 3 universities in Hangzhou. Using the social capital questionnaire, self-esteem scale and life satisfaction scale to investigate, the structural equation model was used to analyze the health effects of social capital for freshmen and junior college students. Results The freshmen ’s social support, social trust, social belonging, social network and social participation mean (47.95 ± 8.09,17.09 ± 2.47,24.21 ± 4.22,10.80 ± 2.55,5.21 ± 14.22) were higher than that of the freshmen (46.61 ± 7.71,16.04 ± 2.48,23.28 ± 3.96,7.62 ± 1.95,4.66 ± 1.40) (t = 6.50,2.56,3.40,22.62,1.14, P <0.05). The analysis of structural equation model shows that the standardized path coefficients of undergraduate and junior college students ’social capital subordinate variables to health latent variables are 0.76 and 0.82 respectively, of which social belonging has the most significant impact on undergraduates’ health (r = 0.62) The health of college students has the greatest impact (r = 0.70). Conclusion Undergraduate and junior college freshmen’s social capital has a positive effect on health. Enhancing the sense of belonging of undergraduates and improving the social support of junior college students are beneficial to improve their physical and mental health.
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One night six or seven years ago,while I was having dinner with several friends at Makye Ame Tibetan Restaurant in Beijing,the house String(a bowed string instr
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