Two-dimensional modeling of the self-limiting oxidation in silicon and tungsten nanowires

来源 :Theoretical & Applied Mechanics Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:x1u2e3
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Self-limiting oxidation of nanowires has been previously described as a reaction-or diffusion-controlled process.In this letter,the concept of finite reactive region is introduced into a diffusion-controlled model,based upon which a two-dimensional cylindrical kinetics model is developed for the oxidation of silicon nanowires and is extended for tungsten.In the model,diffusivity is affected by the expansive oxidation reaction induced stress.The dependency of the oxidation upon curvature and temperature is modeled.Good agreement between the model predictions and available experimental data is obtained.The developed model serves to quantify the oxidation in two-dimensional nanostructures and is expected to facilitate their fabrication via thermal oxidation techniques. Self-limiting oxidation of nanowires has been described as a reaction-or diffusion-controlled process. This letter, the concept of finite reactive regions is introduced into a diffusion-controlled model, based on which a two-dimensional cylindrical kinetics model is developed for the oxidation of silicon nanowires and is extended for tungsten.In the model, diffusivity is affected by the expansive oxidation reaction induced stress. The dependency of the oxidation upon curvature and temperature is modeled. Good agreement between the model predictions and available experimental data is obtained. developed model serves to quantify the oxidation in two-dimensional nanostructures and is expected to facilitate their fabrication via thermal oxidation techniques.
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