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在中世纪的百年战争中,英军包围了法国的加莱城,法王慑于敌人的强大,放弃了该城。英王爱德华要求加莱全城居民无条件投降。不过,他还是愿意让城里的居民和平地生活,条件是:六个最有声望的居民必须颈上捆着绳索,手持此城和城堡的钥匙,赤脚离开该城,听候他的发落。第一个最富有的居民站了出来,说:“我已准备好为祖国牺牲。”随即,其他五位居民也一个接一个地站了出来,准备献出自己的生命。他们脱下衣服,身上只剩衬衣,将绳索绕在脖子上,手握本城和城堡的钥匙,向敌营走去。他们被押到刽子手那里,但王后的祈求和眼泪终于打动了国王的心,他答应赦免他们。五百多年过去了,人们计划为这些拯救加莱的义民建立一座纪念碑以资纪念。法国著名雕刻家奥古斯特·罗丹接受了这一委托。罗丹希望这座六人群像放置在该城的市政广场,底部稍高于人行道。他不 During the medieval centenary war, the British troops surrounded the French city of Galela, and the French king, deterred the mighty enemy and gave up the city. King Edward asked Calais entire population to surrender unconditionally. However, he was still willing to let the inhabitants of the city live in peace on the condition that the six most prestigious inhabitants must have the rope tied to their necks, holding the keys of the city and the castle, leaving the city barefoot and waiting for his fulfillment. The first richest resident stood up and said, “I am ready to sacrifice for my motherland.” Immediately, the other five residents came out one after another to prepare their own lives. They undressed and had only their shirts left, their ropes around their necks, their hands holding the keys of the city and the castle, and going toward the camp. They were escorted to the executioner, but the Queen’s prayers and tears finally touched the heart of the king, and he promised to forgive them. Five hundred years later, people are planning to set up a memorial for these righteous people who saved Calais. The famous French sculptor Auguste Rodin accepted the commission. Rodin hopes the group of six will be placed in the city’s Plaza Mayor, with the bottom slightly above the sidewalk. he does not
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