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  【摘 要】翻译作为一种跨文化活动,不仅涉及两种语言,也涉及两种截然不同的文化。中西文化的差异造成的两种语言在表达方式上的区别往往是许多翻译人员在翻译过程中容易忽视或力不从心之处。
  Robert Kaplan,American 1inguist,the westerners mode of thought is primarily a Platonic-Aristotelian train of thought,descended from the philosophers of ancient Greece,and concreted by Roman,Medieval European,and later western thinkers.Shen Xiaolong states,the western nations have been accustomed to laying stress on formal logic and abstract thinking since the ancient Greece.Therefore the chief characteristic of the English mode of thinking is known as abstraction in particular, Shen also finds out that western people gradually formed the habit of individual thinking instead of unity of thinking.Formal analytical patterns of thought have always been dominant in western philosophical history.The Very different thinking modes of the people as well as the great dissimilarity in history, religious tradition,philosophy,language and culture bring about problems to people in cross—cultural communication.
  1.Different modes of thought result in dissimilar ways of expression
  There exists great difference between Chinese mode of thought and western mode of thought,and the linguistic systems of English and Chinese languages have varied characteristics respectively. One uses ideographs,while the other uses the alphabets.One is paratactic,and the other is hypotactic.The Chinese mode of thought has created many gray areas on the Chinese language expression.To be harmonic and for it to be balanced it nevertheless can be Vague sometimes.Vagueness however does not mean that the language expressed is lacking in quality,but that it is hampered by nuances in meanings.Greatly influenced by its mode of thought, western rhetoric values explicitness and directness.Clarity,concreteness and completeness are also highly emphasized.On the other hand,in western rhetorical framework,vagueness and implicitness are viewed negatively:they are considered ineffective in verbal communications.
  Since 1anguage and thought are interdependent,besides the fact that thought determines the structure of 1anguage,language also shapes thought,also way of expression of a specific nation can also reveal its mode of thought. Liu Miqing points out that many problems on language form are problems of the extrinsic representation or an overt speech act based on intrinsic factors.We should pay more attention to the intrinsic mechanism that controls the overt representation of speech act,and examine in what way it influences 1anguage structure and in what way it makes one language different from another.   2.Differences in mode of thought-obstacle for cross-cultural communication
  Our way of thinking derives from our accumulated perceptions;our perceptions derive from our thinking modes,and our feelings from our thinking.The habitual mode of thought can both benefit you greatly and disturb you detrimentally in the process of translation--depending on how you make use of it.
  In a communication process between people of different races, whether it is a conversation,or in written form,the speaker or the writer always has the erroneous assumption that his partner thinks exactly the same way he or she does.This in effect is in disregard the cultural background of people of different nationalities.If the difference cannot be resolved,then the communication will end in misunderstanding or even a failure.As is always the case,when a set of linguistic information based on a certain mode of thought is imparted,the receiver encodes or reorganizes it in another mode of thought.Thus it is to be found that what is a logical speech,or article,or a text in one culture is regarded as an illogical one in another culture,the understandable one is regarded as the inscrutable one,the coherent one turns out to be incoherent,and the persuasive one would lose its convincing potential. So if a translator ignores the thought-pattern difference,the texts produced by him/her in another 1anguage may strike the native speakers of that 1anguage as incoherent.
  3.On coherence in consideration of the difference in thinking and expressing
  In the course of translation,some structural adjustments have to be made by translators to improve the quality of translation.It is important for a translator to acquire some effective methods to make up for the differences and produce a coherent and adequate translation.Maybe, there are two ways: by elaboration, and by alteration.
  In this dissertation, employing theoretical and empirical researches,we have been exploring the significance of coherence in Chinese—English translation from the perspectives of thinking of dissimilar nationalities.For whatever type of text,a poem,a prose,a novel,or a business letter,and for whatever purpose it is to serve,a translator has to establish coherence in the target text in accordance with the coherence in the source or original text.
  Chinese people and westerners have totally different modes of thought.Difference in thinking modes brings about different ways of expression.The way a target reader interprets a translated text may be far different from the source text readers and the translator’s understanding of the source text.Neglect in the anticipation of the difference in modes of thought will consequently lead to a gradual reduction of coherence in the target text.The discernment for the difference in thinking between the translator and the target readers,and also the presumption of the mental process of the target readers are very necessary and important in the process of translation.   For the production of a high quality translation,What is needed are not elaborate formulas of theories about translation,but translators with unusual sensitivity to the resources of language,the importance of varied non-linguistic factors,and the art of translating.For scholarly translation is an art, and the translator an artist.
  Again,in summation,translators should take seriously into consideration the cultural factors concerned and difference in the way of formation of thoughts in Chinese language and how thoughts are structured in the mind in the English language.Coherence exists in the sequence of thought.Coherence comes as a consequence of a real command of the English language.Coherence stems from the fluidity of the English language-this final point gives rise to the beauty of language of translation.When beauty of language becomes the obvious quality in the work of translation,then,only then,has that particular work of translation reached the highest culminating point of success.
  [1]Kaplan R B Cultural Thought Patterns in Intercultural Education in Language Learning [J].A Journal of Applied Linguistics,1966,6.
【摘 要】主成分分析(PCA)是人脸识别中特征提取的主要方法,支持向量机(SVM)具有适合处理小样本、非线性和高维数问题,利用核函数且泛化能力强等多方面的优点。文章将两者结合,先用快速PCA算法进行人脸图像特征提取和选择,用所选择的人脸特征向量训练多个支持向量机(SVM),最后用训练好的支持向量机(SVM)进行人脸识别的分类。在ORL人脸数据库上进行了实验,取得了满意的识别效果。  【关键词】人脸
【摘 要】先进教育技术适应现代化教育的需要。合理、有效的利用先进教育技术可迅速快捷提高教育、教学水平和教学效果。先进教育技术为教育相关部门和教育相关事业带来了各种各样的变化与改进,使教学由传统模式转向现代模式,逐步走向以多媒体为主导的现代教学模式。现代教育技术的积极作用也越来越凸显。作者从先进教育技术的优势出发,对利用先进教育技术的必要性和可能性作了详细论述,提出了合理利用先进教育技术对教育教学改
【摘 要】多媒体技术的运用,为学校体育室内课教学提供了新的教学手段,对学生体育基础知识认知的发展,体育观念的更新,体育技能的提高以及思维品质的改善,都起到良好的促进作用。因此,用多媒体技术优化课堂教学,渴望引起体育教学从观念到形式的变革,从而推动素质教育。  【关键词】小学体育教学;多媒体技术;教学手段  0.前言  多媒体技术的发展体现了现代教育技术发展的需要,现代化的教学手段对优化体育课堂教学
【摘 要】文章针对目前非计算机专业计算机教学中存在的一些实际情况,提出了以计算机在各学科领域内的应用为中心,系统地开展多层次的计算机教学。并提出了如何确定非计算机专业计算机教学的目标以及提高计算机教学质量的方法、手段。  【关键词】计算机教学;教学目标;专业应用  掌握计算机与信息处理的基础知识和基本技能,已成为现代社会专业技术人员,胜任本职工作和适应社会发展所必须具备的条件之一。那么如何培养既有
【摘 要】随着现代科学技术的高速发展,特别是纳米技术的发展,微观有序的材料以其不同的特异性能引起了人们的重视。众多研究人员投入这一领域。在各种各样的有序材料中,有序的多孔性材料已经取得了很大进展。人们很早就认识了多孔性的材料,长期以来,人们一直利用它质轻、多孔的特点将多孔材料用作结构材料、吸附材料、载体材料和阻隔材料等诸多方面。  【关键词】多孔;二氧化硅;制备;活性剂  0.引言  这类材料大体
【摘 要】计算机应用技术的迅猛发展,计算机公共课的教学不断面临一些问题。本文对近年来民办高校计算机公共课实践教学改革举措和实践成效进行了梳理与分析,总结出适合民办高校学生的教学模式和教学方法,期望对相关高校计算机公共课的教学改革有一定的借鉴作用。  【关键词】计算机公共课;实践教学;改革  民办高校近几年来发展非常迅速,已逐渐成为我国高等教育的重要组成部分,其教学质量始终是社会非常关注的问题。计算
【摘 要】农村经济建设是我国的基础建设之一,随着农业经济的发展,农村生态环境日益恶化,农村生态环境保护的呼声,日益高昂,现代化农业经济局势的进展,对生态环境的质量要求越来越高,为了促进社会经济秩序的稳定,有效构建社会主义和谐社会,我们需要建立健全农村环境保护系统。  【关键词】农村环境保护;和谐社会;建设管理;方案深化  0.前言  在农村现代化建设中,出现了一些环境污染现象,比如农村面源污染、畜
【摘 要】英语是当今社会的国际语言,在日常交流与工作中都具有不可忽视的作用,这不仅是大学生在大学阶段的一门必修课,还是招聘时的一项必备条件。可是,随着教育体制改革的不断深入,我国高校的英语教学虽然发展迅速,但仍存在一定的不足,需要在发展的过程中不断改革与创新,以适应社会的发展需求。本文作者对大学生学习英语的重要性进行了详细的说明,并提出了相应的改革与创新途径。希望能够有效提高大学生学习英语的积极性
【Abstract】The objective of this paper is to unveil the imbalances currently present in the Chinese economy and society that were generated from the fast growth experienced by the country since the beg