The rapid growth in China and its major consequencesan analysis on the imbalances

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  【Abstract】The objective of this paper is to unveil the imbalances currently present in the Chinese economy and society that were generated from the fast growth experienced by the country since the beginning of the reforms in 1978 and got even more accentuated after the ascension to the WTO after 2001.The large inflow of investment and disparities of progress between rural and urban zones are definitely a decisive point to the government in order to provide effective policies to reduce growth and coordinate the shift from an export-led economy into a self sustainable economy pushed by consumption and uniform development.
  【Key words】China;Imbalances;Growth
  Since the beginning of the economic reforms,China has evolved from an inefficient planned economy to a well stabilized hybrid system that has attracted to the country uncountable foreign investments and built a solid manufacturing structure that has pushed for years the economical growth via international trade. The ascension to the WTO in 2001,not only forced the country to adopt market-oriented policies to protect investors, but also permitted to China to access a huge know-how of practices arising from a better integration of processes brought by the exchange of information with foreign companies,providing a very competitive scenario aligned with abundant workforce and the rapid assimilation of new technologies.
  As far as growth and development are distinct concepts, much needs to be clarified about the consistency of the Chinese model.On a conference marking the conclusion of the National People’s Congress in 2007, Premier Wen Jiabao stated that Chinese economy was “unstable, unbalanced,uncoordinated and unsustainable”.In this context the objective of this paper is to briefly point the causes of the imbalances generated by the rapid growth of the Chinese economy. The first section will illustrate the main factors that contributed to the positive numbers reflected in the GDP.In the second section it shall be discussed how the same factors that pushed growth contributed to the present situation of imbalances.The third section will suggest mechanisms to overcome the disparities of development and also highlight the efforts of the government to achieve them,leading to the conclusion that will cement reflections about the future.
  1.The Economic growth of China: the export-oriented model, migration, rapid urbanization and investments
  With the establishment of the special economic zones in the east coast by 1980 and amplification of the benefit to another also coastal 14 cities in 1984 the inflows of foreign direct investment started to soar in China,triggering a first wave of urban construction and renewed urbanization at odds with long-standing public policy.   The secondary sector experienced a growth without precedents. The larger participation of the private initiative in the open coastal cities has led the areas into a real estate boom, a mechanism that has largely driven China’s economic growth for the last 15 years.
  Being attracted by the new possibilities of the urban zones,a massive flow of migrant workers has arrived to work in the manufacturing process and construction that started to spread all over. The workers wage that by the time was favorably low for foreign investors, reducing production costs and generating better competition abroad for the goods produced in China.The Chinese Yuan also played an important role in the external competition, since it is known that a weak currency boosts the internal gains obtained from trade. After the entrance of the country in the WTO by 2001, several policies adjusting the financial, legal and structural sectors have been made and companies kept progressing, injecting huge amounts of capital in the country and boosting the growth of the country led by exports as the exposed in the graph.
  Figure 1 – China’s GDP growth (annual %)
  Source: World Bank Databank
  According to Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences Amartya Sen (1983), growth differs from economic development, which can be seen as a process of expanding the capabilities of people. Based in such concepts we can understand that besides the optimistic numbers shown in the last decade it is still not possible to classify it as fully development, since many spatial areas and economic and social sectors had an uneven way of growth.The concept of“letting some people getting rich”first was definitely put on practice.
  2.The imbalances caused by the rapid growth
  As a result of the favorable development of the coastal zones brought by the economical opening, China started to witness major differences in the level of development from its spatial areas. To begin, the disparities between the urban and rural areas became very clear as the investments started to soar and be concentrated in key regions, as the Delta of the Yangtze River, the Bohai Economic Rim and the Pearl River Delta. The investments concentrated in such zones way much superior than the ones made in rural zones, specially because a great amount of it was provided by the private initiative that had its presence reaffirmed after the fiscal reforms of 1994 and legal reforms for foreign companies happened mostly in 2004 and 2005. The investments in construction, manufacturing and infrastructure mobilized a large number of migrant workers that were off to achieve better wage standards than the ones available from agricultural activities in rural areas. In 2012, it was estimated that China has around 262.61million migrant workers.The slower growth trend of rural zones meaningfully contributed for an unequal rise of salaries between the two zones as demonstrated in the following figure:   Figure 2–Income Disparity between rural and urban China from 1978 to 2009
  Source: BBC apud National Bureau of Statistics of China
  It is undeniable that the income of rural areas has also experienced gains and since 2010 the annual average growth is higher than the urban areas,but much still needs to be reached. The trade-led model also started to show some signs of instability brought by the crisis of 2008, forcing the government to create consumption plans in order to create some movement with the excessive capital destined to investments of the country.In 2012, the CIA World Factbook estimated China’s investment to GDP ratio in 47.80%, number 2 in the world and investment is a decision of postponing consumption.
  3.What has been done to overcome the difficulties generated by the imbalances
  The awareness of the imbalances in China has been already highlighted by the communist party since 2004; however, besides the necessity of rebalancing the economy as a whole, few has been achieved and the basic priorities of the growth promoted by a highly globalized scenario have prevailed. The new government from president Xi Jinping inherited a fast developing nation and is trying to slowdown the economy as an attempt to promote an egalitarian growth less dependent of exports. The move would also reduce the large amount of investments and the excess of liquidity would be solved by employing floating money in development of the countryside. Aligned efforts of rebalancing plus the appreciation of the Yuan Renminbi would also be desirable, to diminish liquidity, stimulate consumption and pay existing debts.The exports would suffer at the first time but a larger share of imports would balance foreign trade, reduce inflation and as a consequence, boost the so desirable consumption. The balance between the three basic sectors is also necessary and investments in modern agriculture techniques would raise the standards of rural families, aligned with better specialization and access to education and healthcare.A rapid urbanization of remote areas of China is being promoted,with the concept of cities being reviewed,granting higher accuracy in statistical data and permitting better integration and overcoming distances.
  4.Conclusion and perspectives
  The necessity of a shift in the present model that the Chinese economy is being conducted is clear not only to foreign analysts but also to the government.The slowdown of the economy that is being exhaustively reported in the last months is also necessary in order to rebalance the sectors in most need. China develops in a fast pace and has demonstrated in the last decades a strong capacity of modeling its way of conducting itself.With higher access to information brought by technology, the awareness of a change is spread all over the country and people are able to participate and follow the changes that will lead the country to become the world’s leader in short timeframe. The effects of a possible deceleration of the economy shall be manifested in the next years, but they are a part of a process that shall maintain the development in a stable, balanced, coordinated and sustainable way.
【摘 要】危机是由一个或一系列事件引起的,对组织的利益和目标,及利益相关者构成严重威胁,具有发展不确定性、处理时间紧迫性的不利情境。根据成因,企业危机分为企业外部危机、企业内部危机以及企业关联性危机。危机管理是为了更好的避免和减少危机带来的危害,运用各种方法手段来达到目的的整个管理过程。企业危机管理具有3种职能:A.预警职能;B.矫正职能C.免疫职能。企业危机管理的内容大体为:A.企业危机的预警与
【摘 要】主成分分析(PCA)是人脸识别中特征提取的主要方法,支持向量机(SVM)具有适合处理小样本、非线性和高维数问题,利用核函数且泛化能力强等多方面的优点。文章将两者结合,先用快速PCA算法进行人脸图像特征提取和选择,用所选择的人脸特征向量训练多个支持向量机(SVM),最后用训练好的支持向量机(SVM)进行人脸识别的分类。在ORL人脸数据库上进行了实验,取得了满意的识别效果。  【关键词】人脸
【摘 要】先进教育技术适应现代化教育的需要。合理、有效的利用先进教育技术可迅速快捷提高教育、教学水平和教学效果。先进教育技术为教育相关部门和教育相关事业带来了各种各样的变化与改进,使教学由传统模式转向现代模式,逐步走向以多媒体为主导的现代教学模式。现代教育技术的积极作用也越来越凸显。作者从先进教育技术的优势出发,对利用先进教育技术的必要性和可能性作了详细论述,提出了合理利用先进教育技术对教育教学改
【摘 要】多媒体技术的运用,为学校体育室内课教学提供了新的教学手段,对学生体育基础知识认知的发展,体育观念的更新,体育技能的提高以及思维品质的改善,都起到良好的促进作用。因此,用多媒体技术优化课堂教学,渴望引起体育教学从观念到形式的变革,从而推动素质教育。  【关键词】小学体育教学;多媒体技术;教学手段  0.前言  多媒体技术的发展体现了现代教育技术发展的需要,现代化的教学手段对优化体育课堂教学
【摘 要】文章针对目前非计算机专业计算机教学中存在的一些实际情况,提出了以计算机在各学科领域内的应用为中心,系统地开展多层次的计算机教学。并提出了如何确定非计算机专业计算机教学的目标以及提高计算机教学质量的方法、手段。  【关键词】计算机教学;教学目标;专业应用  掌握计算机与信息处理的基础知识和基本技能,已成为现代社会专业技术人员,胜任本职工作和适应社会发展所必须具备的条件之一。那么如何培养既有
【摘 要】随着现代科学技术的高速发展,特别是纳米技术的发展,微观有序的材料以其不同的特异性能引起了人们的重视。众多研究人员投入这一领域。在各种各样的有序材料中,有序的多孔性材料已经取得了很大进展。人们很早就认识了多孔性的材料,长期以来,人们一直利用它质轻、多孔的特点将多孔材料用作结构材料、吸附材料、载体材料和阻隔材料等诸多方面。  【关键词】多孔;二氧化硅;制备;活性剂  0.引言  这类材料大体
【摘 要】计算机应用技术的迅猛发展,计算机公共课的教学不断面临一些问题。本文对近年来民办高校计算机公共课实践教学改革举措和实践成效进行了梳理与分析,总结出适合民办高校学生的教学模式和教学方法,期望对相关高校计算机公共课的教学改革有一定的借鉴作用。  【关键词】计算机公共课;实践教学;改革  民办高校近几年来发展非常迅速,已逐渐成为我国高等教育的重要组成部分,其教学质量始终是社会非常关注的问题。计算
【摘 要】农村经济建设是我国的基础建设之一,随着农业经济的发展,农村生态环境日益恶化,农村生态环境保护的呼声,日益高昂,现代化农业经济局势的进展,对生态环境的质量要求越来越高,为了促进社会经济秩序的稳定,有效构建社会主义和谐社会,我们需要建立健全农村环境保护系统。  【关键词】农村环境保护;和谐社会;建设管理;方案深化  0.前言  在农村现代化建设中,出现了一些环境污染现象,比如农村面源污染、畜
【摘 要】英语是当今社会的国际语言,在日常交流与工作中都具有不可忽视的作用,这不仅是大学生在大学阶段的一门必修课,还是招聘时的一项必备条件。可是,随着教育体制改革的不断深入,我国高校的英语教学虽然发展迅速,但仍存在一定的不足,需要在发展的过程中不断改革与创新,以适应社会的发展需求。本文作者对大学生学习英语的重要性进行了详细的说明,并提出了相应的改革与创新途径。希望能够有效提高大学生学习英语的积极性