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今年是我国近代史上著名的戊戌变法运动一百周年纪念。因为这次变法发生在1898年农历戊戌年,所以史称戊戌变法,或戊戌维新。又因为变法从开始到结束仅有103天时间,所以历史上又称百日维新。 戊戌变法是一次政治改良运动。1895年4月,请政府在甲午战争中失败,被迫与日本签订了丧权辱国的《马关条约》,消息传来,全国上下群情激奋,怒不可遏。正在北京参加会试的康有为和他的学生梁启超,联络18省举人1300余人签名上万言书,要求“拒和、迁都、变法”,这就是有名的“公车上书”。虽然万言书被拒绝呈递,但变法主张已迅速发展成为全国性的政治运动。此后,康有为又多次向光绪皇帝上书,陈述变法主张,并和维新志士一起,积极组织强学会等民间救亡图存团体,创办报纸,开办学堂,为维新运动制造舆论,培养人才。经过充分酝酿准备,1898年6月11日,光绪皇帝终於接受了康有为等人的政治主张,颁布明定国是上谕,决心实施变法。 This year marks the centenary of the famous movement of 1898 in our country’s modern history. Because this change occurred in the 1898 Lunar New Year, so the history of the Reform Movement of 1898, or Reform of 1898. And because the change method from the beginning to the end of only 103 days, so history is also known as Hundred Days. Reform Movement of 1898 is a political reform movement. In April 1895, the government was invited to fail in the Sino-Japanese War and was forced to sign the “Treaty of Shimonoseki” with Japan for the humiliation and disgrace of the country. According to the news, the whole country was extremely excited and furious. Kang Youwei and his student Liang Qichao, who are currently attending the test in Beijing, have liaised with more than 1,300 people in 18 provinces to sign 10,000-word books and request “refusing to accept or relocating the capital or changing the law.” This is the famous “bus letter.” Although the ten-word book was rejected, the change of law claims that it has rapidly developed into a national political campaign. Since then, Kang Uehwa repeatedly wrote a letter to the Emperor Guangxu, stating the idea of ​​change and, together with the reigning intellectuals, actively organized such organizations as the Civil Society for National Salvation, establishing newspapers, starting schools, creating public opinion for the reform movement and training personnel. After full preparation for deliberation, on June 11, 1898, Emperor Guangxu finally accepted the political ideas of Kang Youwei et al. He promulgated a definite nation and decided to implement the reform.
一、充分认识科教兴村的意义和特点 加快农业增长方式由粗放型向集约型转变,是促进国民经济持续、快速、健康发展的基础和关键。“实现农业增长方式的转变,最重要的一环,就是