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  Eight Elements to Achieve Your Goals
  Have you ever changed an answer on a test, only to find out later that your first answer was the right one? That is what’s known as ignoring[忽视] your intuition. Girls are especially tuned into their ability to sense right from wrong. No matter what, you have to believe in yourself. Following your intuition sometimes helps to find the short cut to success.
  Staying true to your values is the real meaning of integrity. But it isn’t easy. There is always going to be that temptation[诱惑] to do some things you know you shouldn’t. It will be easier to resist and maintain your integrity. Plus, talking to others who share the same passions and interests as you do will only fuel your creativity[创造力] more.
  A recent survey reveals[显示] that on average high school girls are smarter than guys. Unfortunately many girls value their outer beauty more than their brainpower[智能] and creativity. You need to embrace[利用] your genius: Use it to develop ideas and make yourself heard.
  When you see a picture of a beautiful place or of a cool car you ‘d like to own someday, you feel inspired, right? That is because those photos give you goals. You should create a 襠ream boardby pasting these photos, along with pictures of yourself onto a piece of cardboard or poster paper. The more you connect with your vision, the more achievable it will be.
  Teenage girls are flexible[灵活的], both physically and mentally. You can also use your multitasking[多重任务处理] skills to discover your future career. If your goal is to become a doctor, volunteer at a local hospital. If you want to be a singer, start taking voice lessons. Led by your curiosity, you should try a range of new things.
  If you don’t feel excited about anything, it’s because you haven’t discovered what drives you yet. You need to find it. Try to write down five things you think you might enjoy doing. Then try to do them. Keep trying new things until you find something that will make you happy. And one day you may even turn that passion into a career you’ll love.
  Persistence is the inner strength to stick it out when you’d rather quit. Most truly successful people endure[忍耐] a lot of failure before they achieve success. It’s okay to fail as long as you see the lessons in every mistake you make and use them to become even stronger. Persistence means changing “I can’t”nto “I will”nd continuing to believe in yourself no matter what.
  If you are feeling down, sometimes all it takes is a pep talk[鼓舞士气的讲话] from your best friend to pick you back up[鼓励]. Bonding with friends who admire and support you will give you the energy and inspiration to achieve anything you set your mind to.
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