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海,是神秘的,它给人以丰富的资源;它给人以视野的享受;海能载舟也能覆舟,能为人们谋利造福、也能让人遭受灭顶之灾。人们热爱大海却又惧怕大海。望着那一浪高过一浪峰涌而至的波涛,似有一种不可抗拒的诱惑。于是,人们冲进海里,开始品尝“下海”的滋味。可是,有多少人虽然置身海中却不敢迎浪而上,而是随波逐流、浅水而嘻。更有人勇敢拼博,奋力冲到大海深处,去领略那另一番乐趣…… The sea is mysterious. It gives rich resources. It gives people a horizons of enjoyment. The sea can carry boats and capsize. It can benefit people for profit and make people suffer from catastrophes. People love the sea but fear the sea. Looked at the wave of waves after a surge of waves, it seems there is an irresistible temptation. As a result, people burst into the sea, began to taste the “sea” taste. However, how many people though not in the sea but in the sea, but drift, shallow and hee. Someone brave Pinbo, struggling rushed to the depths of the sea, to enjoy that another fun ...
OBJECTIVE Geldanamycin,a natural product of Streptomyces geldanus,binds the heat shock protein 90(Hsp90),a cell chaperone protein that interacts with Bcl-2.In t
BACKGROUD: Ethanol can influence neural development and the ability of learning and memory, but its mechanism of the neural toxicity is not clear till now. Endo
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Behcet’s disease (BD), a multisystem chronic autoimmune process of unknown etiology, usually leads to arterial impairment. Isolated case reports have described
Behcet’s In this study, we examined peripheral insulin resistance in patients with disease (BD) characterized by chronic inflammation and endothelial dysfuncti
前方高能!整个音响系统都充斥著德国零点GROUND ZERO的味道,奥迪A5进入了这个绝度“零”度的区域了。在权威、中立杂志评选中零点的产品一贯是以性价比、外观、质量和稳定性