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当前,我国的企业改革已进入攻坚阶段,在这一阶段,进一步提高企业管理水平具有重要的战略意义。 一、管理落后已成为制约我国企业发展的“瓶颈” 管理是企业的一项基础工作。由于历史的原因,管理滞后一直是困扰我国企业发展的突出问题之一。改革开放以来,我们经历了深化改革与加强管理相伴而行、同步前进的过程,经过艰苦努力,使企业管理水平有了明显的提高,但总的看来,目前我国企业管理尚有许多不尽人意之处。轻视管理,管理粗放而导致企业经营不善的现象还屡有发生。据有关部门对全国2000多家亏损国有企业的调查分析,在这些企业中,政策性亏损占9.9%,宏观原因亏损占9.2%,因管理不善而造成的亏损则占81.71%。国家技术监督局今年一季度曾对39类产品的质量进行了监督抽查,结果发现,这些产品的平均抽样合格率仅为65.9%。另有资料显示,目前,我国产品达到国际上80年代末水平的不到10%,单位国民生产总值能耗是法、日等国的4倍多,而工业劳动生产率却不足美国的1/10。管理落后也是造成我国国有资产大量流失的主要原因之一。有关专家估计,近10多年来,我国企业因管理不善而导致国有资产流失已超过5000亿元人民币。 At present, our country’s enterprise reform has entered a crucial stage, at this stage, to further improve the level of enterprise management has an important strategic significance. First, the management backwardness has become a “bottleneck” management that restricts the development of our country’s enterprises is a basic work of enterprises. Due to historical reasons, the management lag has always been one of the outstanding problems plaguing the development of our country’s enterprises. Since the reform and opening up, we have undergone a process of deepening reform and strengthening management, proceeding in a synchronized manner. Through hard work, the level of business management has been significantly improved. However, in general, there are still many problems in business management in our country Satisfaction. Neglect of management, extensive management led to poor management of the phenomenon also occurred. According to the investigation and analysis of more than 2,000 loss-making state-owned enterprises across the country, policy-related losses accounted for 9.9%, macro-cause losses accounted for 9.2% and unmanaged losses accounted for 81.71%. In the first quarter of this year, the State Bureau of Technical Supervision conducted a supervision and spot check on the quality of 39 types of products and found that the average passing rate of these products was only 65.9%. Other data shows that at present, China’s products have reached the international standard of less than 10% at the level of the late 1980s. The energy consumption per unit of GDP is more than four times that of France, Japan and other countries. However, the productivity of industrial labor is less than 1 / 10. Management is one of the main reasons for the massive loss of state-owned assets in our country. Experts estimate that over the past 10 years, the loss of state-owned assets in our country has exceeded 500 billion yuan due to poor management.
摘要:浓厚的学习兴趣可以使孩子长时间地处于积极的学习状态,有助于他们的观察、记忆和想象,使他们善于提出问题、分析和解决问题,创造性地运用知识并不断地探求新的知识。要使学生真正成为课堂的主人,能积极地参与到课堂中来,首先要激发学生浓厚的学习兴趣,唤起学生学习的自觉性和创造性,让学生愿学、善学、乐学。  关键词:兴趣;语文老师;语文课内容;语文学习  中图分类号:G623.2文献标识码:A 文章编号:
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