Prognostic value of combination of ST-segment elevation in lead aVR and positive cTnI in patients wi

来源 :South China Journal of Cardiology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:vonke
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Background Non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndrome (NSTE-ACS) is an acute heart disease caused by incomplete occlusion of related coronary arteries with unstable atherosclerotic plaques. Lead a VR STsegment elevation and c Tn I positive are closely correlated to the prognosis of NSTE-ACS patients. However,there are few studies applying the two predictors to early risk stratification in NSTE-ACS patients. Method Two hundred and five cases of NSTE-ACS patients followed up for 6 months after discharge were reviewed. All patients were divided into four groups:Group A-c Tn I negative combined with a VR-non-ST-segment elevation group (100 cases) ;Group B-c Tn I negative combined with a VR-ST-segment elevation group (31 cases) ;Group C-c Tn I positive combined with a VR-non-ST-segment elevation group (43 cases) ;Group D-c Tn I positive combined with a VR-ST-segment elevation group (31 cases) . There was no significant difference in gender,age,old myocardial infarction,previous PCI history,hypertension,and diabetes between a VR-ST elevation group and no a VR-ST elevation group. The morbidity of left main or three-vessel coronary artery disease as well as adverse cardiovascular events in the four groups were observed and analyzed. Results (i) The morbidity of left main or three-vessel coronary artery disease was highest in Group D (87.1%),and was markedly higher in Group B (41.9%) than that in Group A (7%) or Group C (9.3%) ; (ii) The incidence of adverse cardiovascular events was highest in Group D (77.4%),and was much higher in B (35.5%) as compared with that tin Group A (1%) or group C (7%) . Conclusion Electrocardiographic lead a VR ST-segment elevation combined with c Tn I positive has an important clinical value in predicting the prognosis of the patients with NSTE-ACS. Background Non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndrome (NSTE-ACS) is an acute heart disease caused by incomplete occlusion of related coronary arteries with unstable atherosclerotic plaques. Lead a VR STsegment elevation and c Tn I positive are closely correlated to the prognosis of NSTE-ACS patients. However, there are few studies applying the two predictors to early risk stratification in NSTE-ACS patients. Method Two hundred and five cases of NSTE-ACS patients followed up for 6 months after discharge were reviewed. All patients were divided into four groups: Group Ac Tn I negative combined with a VR-non-ST-segment elevation group (100 cases); Group Bc Tn I negative combined with a VR-ST-segment elevation group Group Dc Tn I positive combined with a VR-ST-segment elevation group (31 cases). There was no significant difference in gender, age, old myocardial infarction infarction, previous PCI hi story, hypertension, and diabetes between a VR-ST elevation group and no a VR-ST elevation group. The morbidity of left main or three-vessel coronary artery disease as well as adverse cardiovascular events in the four groups were observed and analyzed. (i) The morbidity of left main or three-vessel coronary artery disease was highest in Group D (87.1%), and was markedly higher than Group B (41.9%) than that in Group A (7%) or Group C (9.3 (ii) The incidence of adverse cardiovascular events was highest in Group D (77.4%), and was much higher in B (35.5%) as compared with that tin Group A (1%) or group C (7%); Conclusion Electrocardiographic lead a VR ST-segment elevation combined with c Tn I positive has an important clinical value in predicting the prognosis of the patients with NSTE-ACS.
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