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得益于二十多年来改革开放政策,中国社会经济得到空前发展,人们生活象西方发达国家一样越来越明显地向两个方面变化。一方面,人们的物质生活越来越丰富,接受教育的机会增多,不断地受到现代文明的洗礼,综合素质与审美水平相应提高;另一方面,人们的工作与生活日趋紧张,节奏加快,且长期处于缺乏情感的各类机械工业品包围的环境中,环境污染日益严重,进一步远离自然的趋势加快,人们压抑倦怠和无以寄托的感觉愈来愈强。这两个方面的变化使得现代工业社会的现代人对商品与环境包含的文化与审美内涵要求愈来愈高,对传统文化的怀旧情愫也愈明显,以满足心灵深处对宁静与抚慰的渴望,国内外这种变化对商品与环境的工艺美术设计提出了新的要求,现代科技要求工艺美术设计尽量适合于机械化、自动化的大工业生产。而这与传统文化是对立的,这两者之间的对立则要求商品与环境设计师以新的设计原则来指导,协调与平衡两者之间的对立。这些新的思想主要表现如下: Benefiting from the policy of more than 20 years of reform and opening up, China has enjoyed unprecedented social and economic development, and people’s lives have become increasingly evident in two aspects as the developed western countries have done. On the one hand, people’s material life is getting richer and the chances of receiving education are increasing. They are constantly being baptized by modern civilization with a corresponding increase in overall quality and aesthetic level. On the other hand, people’s work and life are increasingly tense and the pace is accelerating In a long-term environment surrounded by various types of mechanical industrial products lacking in emotion, environmental pollution is becoming increasingly serious and the trend of further away from nature is accelerating. People feel more and more suppressing depression and lack of sustenance. The changes in these two aspects make modern people in modern industrial society increasingly demanding the cultural and aesthetic connotations contained in goods and the environment, and nostalgia for traditional culture is more obvious, so as to satisfy the innermost desire for tranquility and comfort This change at home and abroad has set new demands on the arts and crafts design of goods and the environment. The modern science and technology require that the arts and crafts design should be suitable for the large-scale mechanized and automated industrial production. And this is against the traditional culture, the opposition between the two requires commodity and environmental designers to guide the new design principles, coordination and balance between the two opposition. These new ideas mainly show as follows:
蕨、薇、豌豆(胡豆)及罂粟,是唐代陈藏器所撰《本草拾遗》首次将其载入药物学著作之中的。陈藏器在该书中说:“蕨生山间,根如紫草,人采茹食之。”又说,本品能"去暴 Ferns, W
蜂蜜疗法:将口腔洗漱干净,再用消毒棉签将蜂蜜涂于溃疡面上,涂后暂不要饮食。15分钟左右,可用蜂蜜连口水一起咽下,再继续涂,一天可重复涂数遍。 Honey therapy: Wash the mo
[方一]大枣5枚,粟米50克,茯神10克。水煎煮茯神,滤取汁液,以茯神药与大枣、粟米同煮为粥,每日2次,早晚服食。 [Fang a] jujube 5, 50 grams of corn, 10 grams of God. The
黄连素是从中药黄连、黄柏或三颗针中提取的一种生物碱,通用名为小蘖碱,现在已经可以人工合成。它具有显著的抑菌作用,对多种细菌如痢疾杆菌、结核杆菌、肺炎球菌、伤寒杆菌及白喉杆菌等都有抑制作用,其中对痢疾杆菌作用最强,常用来治疗细菌性胃肠炎、痢疾等消化道疾病。因此,黄连素是最为大家熟知、物美价廉的好药,几乎家家必备。  在两年多前,国家药监局曾公布了一批停用的药品,其中包括复方黄连素片和复方黄连素注射液