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日前,交通运输部先后印发了《道路运输经理人职业能力评价管理规定》、《高级道路运输经理人资格考核认定办法》和《道路运输经理人从业资格实施办法》(以下简称“一个规定、两个办法”),标志着我国道路运输经理人制度正式建立。道路运输经理人制度是继经营性道路客货运输驾驶员从业资格制度、道路危险货物运输从业人员从业资格制度和机动车检测维修专业技术人员职业水平评价制度后,道路运输行业建立的又一项从业人员资格管理制度。以往的几个制度比较注重一线操作人员的准入和培养机制,而“一个规定、两个办法”则对道路运输的经理人这个关键环节祭出了制度法器,这将对道路运输行业的发展带来重大影响。 Recently, the Ministry of Transport issued the Provisions on the Administration of Occupational Competence of Road Transport Managers, the Measures for the Qualification Assessment of Senior Road Transport Managers and the Measures for the Implementation of Road Transport Managers’ Qualifications (hereinafter referred to as “ Two ways ”), marking the formal establishment of China’s road transport manager system. Road transport manager system is following the business road passenger and freight transport driver qualification system, the road transport of dangerous goods practitioners qualification system and motor vehicle maintenance professional and technical personnel to assess the occupational proficiency system, the road transport industry to establish another Employee qualification management system. Several systems in the past paid more attention to the admittance and training mechanism of first-line operators, and the “one regulation and two solutions” imposes a system of law on this crucial aspect of road transport managers, Industry development has a significant impact.
本文阐述了教学、科研与实践的关系,分析了科研与实践在教学中的地位,并提出高校教师如何正确处理相互关系。 This paper describes the relationship between teaching, re
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新加坡太平机构主席兼董事经理、美亚机构董事主席张允中,在新加坡航运界中坐第一把交椅。他不乐意别人称他为“船王”,人们虽尊重他的意愿,但仍称他为“航运巨子”。 Sing
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