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  A sound like footsteps outside the tent shocked me out of half-sleep. Another camper? Not likely. We were far from the main trails and hadn’t seen a backpacker in three days.
  Maybe it was no one at all. Maybe a twig or pine cone had dropped from a nearby tree. Or maybe the smell of food had drawn an animal to our camp. A big animal.
  I heard it again—a dry crushing sound. I was afraid to move, but forced myself to roll over and see if Sadie was awake.
  She was gone.
  I looked down the length of my mummy bag2. The unzipped screen was swaying inward. A cool dampsmelling breeze touched my face, and I remembered Sadie leaving the tent. How long ago? No way to tell. Maybe I had dozed for an hour, maybe for a minute. At any rate, it was high time for her to come in so we could close the flaps.
  “Hey, Sadie, why don’t you get in here?”
  I heard only the stream several yards from our campsite. It made a racket like a gale blowing through a forest.3
  “Sadie?” I called.
  She must have wandered out of earshot. Okay. It was a fine night, cold but clear, with a moon so round and white you could sit up for hours enjoying it. That’s what we’d done, in fact, before turning in. I couldn’t blame her for taking her time out there.
  “Enjoy yourself,” I muttered, and shut my eyes. My feet were a bit cold. I rubbed them together through my sweat socks, curled up, and adjusted the roll of jeans beneath my head. I was just beginning to get comfortable when somebody close to the tent coughed.
  It wasn’t Sadie.
  My heart froze.
  “Who’s out there?” I called.
  “Only me,” said a man’s low voice, and the tent began to shake violently. “Come outa there!”
  “What do you want?”
  “Make it quick.”
  “Stop jerking4 the tent.” I took my knife from its sheath5 on the belt of my jeans.
  The tent went motionless. “I’ve got a shotgun,” the man said. “Come out there before I count five or I’ll blast apart the tent with you in it. One.”
  I scurried6 out of my sleeping bag.
  “Hey, can’t you wait till I get dressed?”
  “Three. Come out with your hands empty, four.”
  I stuck the knife down the side of my sweat sock, handle first to keep it from falling out, and crawled through the flaps.
  “Five, you just made it.”
  I stood up, feeling twigs and pine cones under my feet, and looked into the grinning, bearded face of a man. He had no shotgun. Only my hand-ax. I scanned the near bank of the stream behind him. No sign of Sadie.   “Where’s the shotgun?” I asked. Then I clamped7 my mouth shut to keep my teeth quiet.
  The man gave a dry, vicious laugh. “Take that knife outa your sock.”
  I looked down. I was wearing only shorts and socks, and the moonlight made the knife blade shine silvery against my calf.
  “Take it out slowly,” he warned.
  “Want to see your wife again? If I give the signal, my buddy will kill her. Slit her open like a wet sack.”
  “You’ve got Sadie?”
  “Back in the trees. Now, the knife.”
  “Not a chance.” I pressed my knees together to keep them from banging against each other. “You’ll kill us both anyway.”
  “Naw. All we want’s your food and gear. See, we gotta do some camping. You understand, pal.” He grinned as if a glimpse of his big crooked8 teeth would help me understand better. It did.
  “What did you do?” I asked, trying to stall9 for time. “Rob a bank?”
  “That, too. Now are you gonna get rid of that knife or do I signal Jake to start cutting?”
  “Better signal Jake,” I said, and grabbed my knife.
  “You sure?”
  “I’m sure. Just one favor, though. Do you mind if I tell my wife goodbye?”
  He grinned again. “Go on.”
  “Thanks,” I said. Then I yelled, “Goodbye, Sadie! Sadie! Goodbye, Sadie!”
  “Enough.” He came forward, holding the ax high, shaking it gently as if testing the weight of its head. All the time, he grinned.
  My knife flew end over end, glinting moonlight, and struck him square in the chest. Hilt10 first.
  He kept coming. Finally I backed into a tree. Its bark felt damp and cold and rough against my skin.
  “There’s no Jake,” I said to distract him.
  “So what?” he answered.
  I raised my hands to block the ax and wondered if it would hurt for long.
  Then a chilling, deep-throated howl shook the night. A mastiff splashed through the stream.11 The man had no time to turn. He only had time to scream before Sadie, snarling12, took him down and began to rip his throat.
  “萨迪?”我喊道。   没有回音。
  1. 本文为美国悬疑惊悚小说作家理查德·莱蒙(Richard Carl Laymon, 1947—2001)的短篇小说。
  2. mummy bag: 轻便睡袋,木乃伊型睡袋。
  3. racket: 吵闹声,喧嚷声;gale:狂风。
  4. jerk: 猛拉。
  5. sheath: (刀或剑的)鞘。
  6. scurry: 赶忙,急走。
  7. clamp: 夹紧,控制住。
  8. crooked: 参差不齐的。
  9. stall:(故意停顿以)拖延时间。
  10. hilt:(刀剑或匕首的)柄,把。
  11. mastiff: 獒,大驯犬;splash: 啪啦啪啦地趟水。
  12. snarl:(动物龇牙咧嘴地)怒吠,咆哮。
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用教材教,而不是单纯教教材,需要教师具备一定的教学材料编写能力。教学材料编写过程中最核心也最具有挑战性的,便是教师本人对文本主题意义的探究与理解。主题意义既是文本内容所特有的育人价值的体现,也是学生在学习和运用语言的过程中获得收获与成长的根本导向。因此,探究文本的主题意义,既需要教师能够解读文本,更需要教师能够真正读懂文本,而且是从学生成长的角度读懂文本——透视出文本对学生成长的潜在价值。  因此
摘 要:在理论衰落之后,轻易的复苏是不可能的,而折衷主义和包容法也难以奏效。因此我们可以思考理论的历史,试着跳出理论,以便从外部来审视它。不过,直到最后我们还是一直想要讨论我们自身变化的这个过程,因为这于我们而言最为重要。但是,那种将形而上学和生成变化联系起来的理论,正是我们走到如今僵局的原因。所以,我们需要的是抛弃形而上学来谈论生成变化的方法:一种从文化的层面讨论我们如何成为如今这个状态的方法。
( ... rabid1 or dog-dull.) Let me tell you how  The Eighteenth Century couplet2 ended. Now  Tell me. Troll3 me the sources of that Song—  Assigned last week—by Blake4. Come, come along,  Gentlemen. (F