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2008年11月23日,首届中国经济理论创新奖揭晓,148位中国知名学者通过投票得出了一个结论:过去30年里,对中国现实影响最大的原创经济理论,是农村家庭联产承包责任制理论。这不是一个容易得出的结论。对于在一个启蒙的年代,一个充满可能性的年代,旧的力量没有退却,对未来的热切渴望则帮助着新的力量,各种主义、尝试都被提出,通往新秩序的道路扑 On November 23, 2008, the first China Economic Theory Innovation Award was announced, and 148 famous Chinese scholars reached the conclusion that the original economic theory that has had the greatest impact on the Chinese reality in the past 30 years is the rural household’s responsibility of co-production contract System theory. This is not an easy conclusion. For an era of enlightenment, an era full of possibilities, the old forces have not retreated, and the eager desire for the future has helped new forces. Various doctrines and attempts have been put forward and the path to the new order has been thrown
Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is implicated in motor neurone degeneration. In normal individuals, hypoxia is known to induce an overexpression of VE
1 锯谷盗 1.1 成虫特征 体长2.0~3.5mm,扁平,棕褐色,头部三角形,触角11节,棍棒状,颞颥大而圆钝(图2—a)。前胸背板长卵形,中央有3条明显的纵脊,中间1条直,左、右2条弯成弧形(
Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) are semiconducting, light producing units, with the advantages of small size, long life, low voltage, reduced energy consumption, a
Objective: This study evaluated validity and reliability of automated median and ulnar sensory nerve conduction study (NCS) measurements by the NC-stat.. Method
We report a 36-year-old woman with the occurrence of painful focal seizures of her left hand and the left leg. She also had focal motor seizures at the left cor
2012年,中国有数十所大学迎来了他们的60年校庆。这一切,都源于1952年中国高校的院系大调整。  在1950年6月8日召开的第一次全国高等教育会议上,苏联专家阿尔辛杰夫认为,中国以前的大学体现的是半殖民地的依赖性,把知识分子的注意力集中于研究一般的自然、历史、文学以及所谓的社会学,这对帝国主义有利。而按照苏联的经验,十月革命后,苏联的高等学校,不再是培养“大而无当”的博学通才,而是培养具体的专