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1成功夺取多次长江防洪胜利改革开放的30年,长江流域洪水发生较为频繁。相继发生了1980年中游大洪水,1981年上游大洪水,1983年中游大洪水,1991年下游大洪水,1995、1996年中下游大洪水,1998年全流域性洪水,1999、2002年中游大洪水,特别是1998年洪水,是长江自1954年后发生的又一次全流域性大洪水。在党中央、国务院的领导下,流域内各级领导与广大军民奋力抢险,克服重重困难,取得了一次次长江防汛抗洪斗争的伟大胜利。据初步分析,长江流域防洪经济效益达8 634亿元,特别是1 998年,长江中下游防洪效益4 067亿元,为新中国成立以来长江中下游防洪投入的24倍多。 1 Successfully Captured the Victory of Flood Control in the Yangtze River Over the past 30 years, the floods in the Yangtze River Basin have been more frequent. The floods in the middle reaches of 1980, floods in the upper reaches of 1981, floods in the middle reaches of the middle reaches in 1983, floods in the lower reaches in 1991, floods in the middle and lower reaches in 1995 and 1996, floods in the whole basin in 1998, floods in the middle reaches in 1999 and 2002 , Especially the 1998 floods, are another major flood in the whole basin after 1954 in the Yangtze River. Under the leadership of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, leaders at all levels within the basin and the vast majority of civilians and soldiers worked tirelessly and steadily to overcome numerous difficulties and achieved a great victory over the Yangtze River flood control and flood fighting one at a time. According to preliminary analysis, the economic benefits of flood control in the Yangtze River reached 834.4 billion yuan, especially in 1998, and the flood control benefit of the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River reached 406.7 billion yuan, more than 24 times that of flood control in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River since the founding of new China.
患者男,20岁,因感冒发热来门诊治疗,给予安痛定4ml 肌肉注射,5分钟后自觉皮肤瘙痒,难忍,留门诊观察,即之出现大片风团样荨麻疹及紫(?),先颜面后波及四肢躯干,以面部为重,同
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