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  【Abstract】As a supplement of higher education in our country, higher vocational colleges cultivate plentiful talents for our modernization construction. Recently, with the development of globalization and the cooperative osculation with foreign countries, most employers require higher for the graduates. In this case, the English language teaching of vocational college needs to keep pace of the times and cultivate satisfactory practical talents. This article illustrates by the example of a typical problem in English teaching, making a serious reflection on the aspects of fundamental conceptions, basic principles and teaching strategies, and proposes some feasible suggestions.
  【Key words】A Feedback; Suggested Solution
  In recent years, with more importance being attached to vocational and technical education, higher vocational education has sustained, healthy and rapid development. Meanwhile, English, as a universal language, has also become a required course for students in higher vocational colleges. Unlike the undergraduate college universities, the English language teaching in higher vocational college focuses on cultivating the students’ application ability, aiming at equipping them with necessary knowledge of English language, improving their core competence, and supporting the development of professional skills.
  As a model of Guizhou province higher vocational college, our school actively responds to national policy, conducting a series of experimental teaching reform. In a sense, higher vocational English teaching reform can succeed or not, only by learning some teaching models or skills is not enough, it mainly depends on the teachers’ cognition of fundamental conceptions, basic principles and teaching strategies of language teaching. Therefore, it is very urgent and important to change the teaching concept and improve the ability of teaching reflection. As an English teacher in higher vocational college, I have found the inter knowledge problem becomes the most conspicuous problem in the teaching process so that I have summed up few suggestions to overcome this problem.
  “Inert Knowledge Problem”, proposed by the famous philosopher Whitehead, which refers to students can understand the explicit rule, but they do not necessarily apply it. Although we know it is too hard to solve this problem, but we can make the problem intractable by rejecting the dichotomous thinking. In order to overcome the inert problem, to enhance students’ attitude, and to sustain students’ motivation, I think we need to change the way we think immediately, change the dichotomous thinking, and try to build a bridge between language forms and functions.   As far as I am concerned, it is disadvantaged to isolate one of the subsystems of language in language teaching. For one case, if our language teaching is only based on the perspective of language forms, it may bring about such problem that students learn from a decontextualized way, may be they can understand the explicit rules well, but they cannot apply the knowledge into practical communication. Just like the famous educator Larsen-Freeman said, “control of the grammar of a language can be empowering, but following its rules unswervingly can be imprisoning. The study of grammar is both loved and loathed.” For another case, if our language teaching is only based on the perspective of language function, it may bring about such problem that students cannot really understand the structure of the language, especially in some complex sentences, they may have no problem in communication, but they cannot analyze complicated paragraphs, it is not beneficial for further study. So, perhaps the form-function dichotomy is a better way in language teaching. There is not just one aspect of language, it has various properties in different situations. Only we take the factor into consideration, and combine more language properties within our language teaching, can the students grasp a language more comprehensively.
  [1]Krashen,S.D.1982.Priciples and Practice in Second Language Acquisition[M].Oxford:Pergamon Press.
  [2]Larsen-freeman,D.2000.An Introduction to Second Language Acquisition Research[M].Beijing:Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.
  [3]Larsen-Freeman,D.2000.Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching[M].Oxford:Oxford University Press.
  [4]Lightbown,P.2000.Classroom SLA Research and Second Language Teaching[J].Applied Linguistics 21(4):431-462.
【摘要】思维模式往往决定一种语言的结构。本文旨在探索思维模式在英语学习中发挥的重要作用,并找出解决中英翻译过程中不同思维模式所引起问题的正确方法。只有充分了解源语言与目的语言使用者的思维差异,才能使译者全面且正确地掌握原文,并在翻译的时候能够选择正确的方法和恰当的词语,从而使译文更加趋于准确和完善。  【关键词】思维模式 中英翻译 文化  众所周知,中国人和说英语的人有不同的思维模式,这对语言的形
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