PSD95 Gene Specific siRNAs Attenuate Neuropathic Pain through Modulating Neuron Sensibility and Post

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Objective To observe the effects of PSD95 gene specific siRNAs on neuropathic pain relief, neuron viability, and postsynaptic calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase IIα (CaMKIIα) phosphorylation in vitro and in vivo. Methods Gene-specific siRNAs of rat PSD95 were synthesized chemically for transfection. Adult male Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats were randomly divided into 3 groups: nave group (n=6), sham group (n=6), and sciatic nerve chronic constriction injury (CCI) group (n=24). The CCI group was further divided into 4 groups (n=6 in each group), which were pretreated with normal saline, transfection vehicle, negative control siRNAs, and PSD95 gene specific siRNAs respectively. All the subgroups received corresponding agents intrathecally for 3 days, started one day before the CCI of sciatic nerve. Both mechanical allodynia and thermal hyperalgesia were measured on post-operative day 3 and 7. PSD95 gene silenced NG108-15 cells were further stimulated by glutamate, with the cell viability and the expression/phosphorylation of CaMKIIα measured by MTT cell proliferation assay and Western blot, respectively. Results The siRNAs decreased PSD95 mRNA level significantly both in vivo and in vitro. Neuropathic pain rats pretreated with PSD95 gene specific siRNAs exhibited significant elevation in the mechanical withdrawal threshold and paw withdrawal thermal latency, without affecting the baseline nociception. PSD95 gene silencing enhanced neuronal tolerance against the glutamate excitotoxicity, meanwhile the phosphorylation of CaMKIIα Thr286 was attenuated. Conclusion Pre-emptive administration of PSD95 gene specific siRNAs may attenuate the central sensitization CaMKIIα-related signaling cascades, leading to the relief of neuropathic pain. Objective To observe the effects of PSD95 gene specific siRNAs on neuropathic pain relief, neuron viability, and postsynaptic calcium / calmodulin-dependent protein kinase IIα (CaMKIIα) phosphorylation in vitro and in vivo. Methods Gene-specific siRNAs of rat PSD95 were synthesized chemically for (n = 6), sham group (n = 6), and sciatic nerve chronic constriction injury (CCI) group (n = 24) The CCI group was further divided into 4 groups (n = 6 in each group), which were pretreated with normal saline, transfection vehicle, negative control siRNAs, and PSD95 gene specific siRNAs respectively. All the subgroups received corresponding agents intrathecally for 3 days, started one day before the CCI of sciatic nerve. Both mechanical allodynia and thermal hyperalgesia were measured on post-operative day 3 and 7. PSD95 gene silenced NG108-15 cells were further stimulated by glutamate, with the cell v ipsi and the expression / phosphorylation of CaMKIIα measured by MTT cell proliferation assay and Western blot, respectively. The results showed that siRNAs decreased PSD95 mRNA levels significantly both in vivo and in vitro. Neuropathic pain rats pretreated with PSD95 gene specific siRNAs exhibited significant elevation in the mechanical withdrawal threshold and paw withdrawal thermal latency, without affecting the baseline nociception. PSD95 gene silencing enhanced neuronal tolerance against the glutamate excitotoxicity, meanwhile the phosphorylation of CaMKIIα Thr286 was attenuated. Conclusion Pre-emptive administration of PSD95 gene specific siRNAs may attenuate the central sensitization CaMKIIα -related signaling cascades, leading to the relief of neuropathic pain.
本文分析制度系统的关联性质———可分离性、非分离性和准分离性 ,演化的帕累托 非帕累托性质 ,以及认知正误对其演化方式和绩效的影响 :(1 )若制度系统具有演化的帕累托性
班主任常会遇到这样的学生:他们对老师或父母的教育常会很不服从,告诉他不能怎么做,他偏要那么做,甚至公开顶撞。这就是逆反心理的表现。  逆反是中学阶段极易出现的一种心理现象,表现为学生对学校、教师所倡导的道德、伦理、规范进行逾越的故意行为,因此调整学生的逆反心理是教师,特别是班主任工作的重要内容。调整中学生逆反心理大致有理解、沟通、治疗与干预等几种手段。    一、理解——打开学生的心门    理解