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2004年的中国足球,曾经被视作一个大年,既有奥运会、亚洲杯那样的盛宴,也有被中国足协列为“一号工程”的世界杯预选赛。此外,千呼万唤的首届中国职业足球超级联赛(简称中超)也粉墨登场。但在年初,笔者就在《体坛周报》断言,2004年是足球赛事的大年,更可能是一个灾年。此言不虚:准备4年、糜费千万的男足豪赌奥运工程,仅仅打了两轮赛事就土崩瓦解;曾经是中国足球一面旗帜,也是足协一块遮羞布的女足,号称铿锵玫瑰,却在雅典奥运会上被德国队8比0风卷残云。中国国家队好不容易借助东道主的天时地利拿了个亚洲杯亚军,却在决赛中1比3不敌日本队,一个中国人最不愿意输的对手,还引发一场外交风波。接近岁末,在国家队未能战胜科威特队,令“一号工程”岌岌可危的大背景下,新生的中超联赛又爆发了一场空前的危机,居然出现了7家俱乐部结盟,向中国足球的最高管理者--中国足协集体发难的罕见一幕。“造反者”直截了当地打出了踢开足协闹革命的旗号,要求夺回被足协把持的联赛管理经营权。从10月2日中超第14轮北京现代队在沈阳五里河体育场公然罢赛,到10月26日在足球投资人会议上,坐镇北京大宝饭店“主场”的中国足协与革命“七君子”公开摊牌,基本平息事端。短短24天里,中国足坛上演了一场在我们这个国度里很少见的,以白描方式进? 2004 Chinese football, once regarded as a big year, both the Olympic Games, the Asian Cup that feast, but also by the Chinese Football Association as “Project No. 1” World Cup qualifier. In addition, the first long-awaited China Professional Football Super League (referred to as Super) also appeared. However, at the beginning of the year, the author asserted in the “Sports Weekly” that 2004 was a year of football matches and more likely a disaster year. The remark is true: the preparation for 4 years, to spend millions of male gamble gamble Olympic project, just hit the two rounds of events fell apart; once a banner of Chinese football, but also a football fig leaf, known as the sonorous rose, but in Athens Olympic Games On the German team 8 to 0 on the residual cloud. The Chinese national team finally won the Asian Cup runner-up with the help of the host, but lost Japan 1 to 3 in the final. The opponent that a Chinese most reluctant to lose also sparked a diplomatic storm. Close to the end of the year, in the national team failed to defeat the Kuwait team, so that “One Project ” against the background of the crisis, the new Super League broke out an unprecedented crisis, actually there have been seven clubs alliance to the Chinese football The highest manager - China Football Association collective catastrophe of a rare scene. “Rebel ” straightforwardly played the banner kicked off the Football Association revolution called for recaptured by the Football Association dominated the league management and management rights. From October 2 Super 14 Beijing Hyundai team in Shenyang Wulihe Stadium openly to October 26 at the meeting of football investors, sits Beijing Dabao Hotel “home ” of the Chinese Football Association and the revolution Gentleman "public showdown, the basic calm down trouble. In just 24 days, Chinese football staged a very rare in our country, by way of white description.
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