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每年农历四月二十三日至二十五日,是大理白族人民传统的“绕山林”盛会。相传这个活动始于南诏。当时,是趁岁始春临朝神禳灾的一种群众性活动。解放后,这个活动已成为开展群众性文化娱乐活动的民族盛会。三天会期,大理三百六十个村子的男女老幼,成群结队地沿着苍山之麓,走村过寨,对歌唱调,队伍越走越大,有时前不见尾、后不见头。身着盛装的白族儿女,分别在两位男歌手的带领下,唱调弹弦,敲鼓击乐,打着霸王鞭,敲响金钱鼓,载歌载舞地循苍山绕洱海。这支欢歌漫舞的队伍所路过的村寨,村里群众都高兴地备下小衣服、小花鞋、太阳膏、美丽的花串子和用麦秸染色后编成的小菱角,供人们选购。花串子挂于脖上,太阳膏贴于头额,小菱角别于胸前,小衣小鞋送给娃娃,以祷风调雨顺、无灾无病、五谷丰登、子女康乐。三天“绕山林”会期,苍山人如潮,洱海歌似涛,白族儿女纵情放歌,整个大理坝子一片欢腾。 The annual Lunar New Year April 23 to 25, Dali Bai people traditional “around the mountains ” event. According to legend, this activity began in Nanzhao. At that time, it was a mass activity that began as the spring began to plague God. After the liberation, this activity has become a national event that carries out mass cultural and recreational activities. During the three days, the men, women, children and children in the 366 villages of Dali are flocking to the foothills of Cangshan and walking past the villages. As the singing progresses, the ranks are getting bigger and bigger. . Dressed in costumes, Bai children, respectively, under the leadership of two male singers, singing melodramatic, percussion drums, name the king whip, ring the money drums, singing and dancing around the Cangshan around the Erhai Lake. The village where the singing and dancing team passed by, the village people are happy to prepare small clothes, small flower shoes, sun cream, beautiful flowers and straw stitched together after the small water chestnut, for people to buy. Flower string hanging on the neck, the sun paste affixed to the head, small chestnut angle in the chest, small shoes to the doll to prayer weather, disaster-free, bumper grain harvest, children recreation. Three days “around the mountains and forests ” period, Cangshan wave, Erhai song like Tao, Bai children indulge in song, the whole Dali Beng a jubilant.
盘石头水库大坝为混凝土面板堆石坝,设计坝顶高程275.7m,设计最大坝高102.2m,坝顶长606m,宽8.0m,上游坝坡1:1.405,下游戗台间坝坡1:1.35m,综合坡比1:1.5,填筑总量548万 m~3
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